20 Celebrity Headlines We’re Pretty Sure Were Publicity Stunts

‘Ben Affleck and J.Lo part 2’
20 Celebrity Headlines We’re Pretty Sure Were Publicity Stunts

Considering that Hollywood is an industry whose sole purpose is to make things up, it’s only natural that much of what we see off-screen isn’t true, either. Sorry, but your favorite actress didn’t get her perfect skin with sunscreen and water, your favorite actor didn’t get his muscle with push-ups and chicken, and nobody loves the fans more than the critics.

It’s no surprise, then, that people begin to suspect other aspects of celebrities’ lives that are presented as authentic triumphs (or even failures) are as staged as their movies. From sham marriages to distracting stunts to entire life stories, it’s all there for the making (up). That’s why user standardissuegerbil asked r/AskReddit, “What big celebrity story or occurrence do you suspect was secretly a publicity stunt?”

SophieintheKnife 1y ago Hilaria Baldwin's accent
SnooPandas1899 1y ago ben affleck and j lo part 2.
Next-Bar-1102 1y ago Michael Jackson marrying Lisa Marie Presley
ZimaGotchi 1y ago Will Smith slapping Chris Rock
 1y ago Taylor swift collaborating with ice spice after the matty Healy drama
 1y ago Jennifer Lawrence stumbling to accept her Oscar and other I'm such a klutz! things she does.
realfakejames 1y ago Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart dating, just promotion for Twilight
WhiskeyTangoFoxy 1y ago The whole Kardashian sex tape. Most successful grift in the modern era.
 1y ago Definitely Doja Cat's demon era. Her lashing out online is media fodder to paint her in a bad light. It was all to get attention for her new album.
Eri_Berry 1y ago Trumps initial run for President was definitely a stunt and then people actually went with it and he couldn't back out and that's how we ended up with a clown for president
exwasstalking 1y ago Superbowl wardrobe malfunction was 100% planned and they only claimed it was accidental because of the backlash.
 1y ago Ozzy Osbourne biting the head off a dove in front of CBS executives. Не and Sharon say it was spontaneous, I don't buy it.
CheckHookCharlie 1y ago I saw Idris Elba's kickboxing fight. It's clear that the other guy isn't aiming for his face or really trying to finish him. It seemed like more of an exhibition match than anything.
 1y ago DiCaprio and his rotating baby girlfriends. It feels like a publicity thing. I just can't imagine him actually being happy like that. Either he was traumatized by an older woman in the past or he's into guys and it's just a cover
nwtblk 1y ago Tom Cruise 'losing it' at someone on set for not following COVID precautions...while they were filming a mission impossible movie during the height of COVID. It was so obviously a planted article to protect the production and Cruise from any criticism for filming during the pandemic.
Responsible-Serve384 e 1y ago Word on the street is the Beckham affair with Rebecca Loos was completely made up. The press found photos of Victoria doing coke at some awards ceremony and said they would release. Beckhams discussed and said they can release this story instead c completely made up), so David takes the blame instead. Rebecca Loos was mad keen, got paid nicely and a lot of publicity. I met at least a few big media types in London that swore to this.
JoeBiddyInTheHouse 1y ago Edited 1y ago Jay-z cheating on Beyoncé. You're telling me they both just happen to get hit albums out of it and there seems to be no further fallout to their relationship since then? And Beyoncé always seems to know exactly how to play the media (pregnancy announcement live on MTV, Superbowl performance was the precise level controversy for that stage). They both stay relevant for another 6 months and then get to move on with their lives. Always smelled fishy to me.
 1y ago Tom Holland spoiling stuff. I get it, kid's adorable, prone to being a cute dork, but there's no way his spoilers werent planned lol
KofOaks 1y ago Paris Hilton talking about her beloved Bored Ape NFT with Jimmy Fallon who also just happened to have one of his own. I never watched Fallon again.
Shipwreck_Kelly 1y ago I'm still waiting for Andy Kaufman to reveal that his death was a hoax.


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