40 Random Bits of Mental Health Trivia That Act As An Inconsequential, Completely Unlicensed Form of Therapy

Enjoy these little brain hugs
40 Random Bits of Mental Health Trivia That Act As An Inconsequential, Completely Unlicensed Form of Therapy

Were not prescribing this list as some sort of remedy, but it might help as a form of self-care. You could read each fact in the mirror as a mantra before heading out the door, or take one in directly before meditating and feel its knowledge cascade down your brain. 

Either way, we got a lot out of these facts and busted myths about mental health and we hope you do, too. Be well, friends.


ORACKED COM Stress can shrink your brain. Prolonged stress and depression can stop synapses from forming in your brain, which can stunt cognition and

Intrusive Thoughts

You probably think that disturbing, unwanted thoughts are limited to people diagnosed with OCD. wvRY In reality, 94% of all people experience intrusiv

High-Functioning Depression

HIGH FUNCTIONING DEPRESSION is a real thing. WORLD'S BEST BOSS Someone with depression can be productive, successful and appear motivated but still SU


Reddit can help your depression. By examining the language used by people spending time on a subreddit for depression, a recent study found that those

The Flu

Having the flu is xhausting and annoying. And it can cause bipolar disorder in unborn babies. The National Institutes of Health found that mothers who

Noise Annoyance

Try to wear earplugs around irritating noises. A German survey of 15,010 adults found depression and anxiety to be twice as prevalent in those with hi

The Aviator

Leonardo DiCaprio's OCD got worse from making The Aviator. He let his own mild OCD get worse to play the part, said Dr. Jeffrey Schwartz, a psychiatry professor who consulted on the movie. By playing Hughes and giving into his own compulsions, Leo induced a more severe form of OCD

Source: WND

Alice in Wonderland Syndrome

CRACKED A British psychiatrist first identified ALICE IN WONDERLAND SYNDROME in the 1950s. It's a rare neurological disorder that causes people to have distorted perceptions of their body, time, and the world around them.

Mood Disorders

Having a hard time waking up is linked to having a mood disorder. People with a mood disorder are disproportionately likely to have a hard time waking up (and mood disorder treatments might target that someday). NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM


Health Care

TELL US NOW. WORKING IN HEALTH CARE MAY BE BAD FOR YOUR MENTAL HEALTH Kelly W. says, That even though jobs in health care are in high demand and easily obtainable with decent benefits and pay, they're not worth the sacrifice to your personal time, mental health, personal well-being or family time. You have to deal with people when they're definitely not at their best. CRACKED.COM

Daylight Saving Time

CRACKED.COM IT XI I X EX I IV Depression and suicide cases increase during the transition of daylight saving time. - An Australian study found an incr

Selena Gomez

Being in the spotlight most of her life had an impact on Selena Gomez's mental health. She suffered from anxiety, depression, and panic attacks, which


CRACKED CO COM The World Health Organization (WHO) included GAMING DISORDER in the list of mental health conditions in 2018. CAMINC DISORDER - Obsessi


Chris Traeger from Parks and Recreation has orthorexia, an eating disorder that makes a person overly concerned about the health benefits of the food


Unsurprisingly, mental illness frequently results in poverty, because of lack of employment, higher health care costs, and stigmatization. MENTAL POVE

Cortisol Levels

Mental disorders lead to physical can health problems. Depressed people have a high level of cortisol, the stress hormone which can increase the risk

Multiple Personalities

People with schizophrenia do not have multiple personalities. Schizophrenia is often confused with dissociative identity disorder because it comes fro

Lady Dynamite

Shows about mental illness LADY DYNAMITE BIPOLAR DISORDER We follow a fictional Maria Bamford after an hospital stay for bipolar disorder in this loving, painful show CRACKED.COM

Source: Vice


People with obsessive-compulsive disorder minimally spend an hour a day dwelling on their thoughts and rituals. That's over 2 weeks each year of needl

Silver Linings Playbook

In silver Linings Playbook, love cures bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder doesn't work that Way. Being in a good relationship is a positive influence


Fish is such a healthy food. Unless you're talking about mental health. Eating fish and other seafood has been linked to Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and


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