40 Random Bits of Pop-Culture Trivia That Just Got Back From the Finest Clown School in Europe and You Can Tell It Really Changed Their Brain Chemistry

They are their clown and their clown is them
40 Random Bits of Pop-Culture Trivia That Just Got Back From the Finest Clown School in Europe and You Can Tell It Really Changed Their Brain Chemistry

James Cameron has spent more time inside the Titanic than Captain Edward Smith ever did.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer

The SPIKE welve grown to love from BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER was never meant to last or be likeable for that matter. Buffy the ampire Slauer According

Cassandra Cain

CRACKED.COM HI. Batman #567 (1991) Heirs of zorro cassandra cain The Bat-Girl with a gimp suit is one of the darker members of the Bat family, and the one who resembles Batman most in words and appearance. Trauma: She was raised to use violence as a language, to the point that she's mute.

Robert Downey Jr.

An ad lib from Robert Downey Jr. inspired the post-credits scene in Marvel's The Avengers. After the downtown battle, Tony Stark says, Have you ever

This Is Not a Film

Illegal filmmaking This Is Not a Film was an illegal production. Banned from filming movies in Iran for 20 years, they filmed it secretly as a protest against the Iranian government's sentencing of director Jafar Panahi to six years of prison. They smuggled the film from Iran to Cannes on a USB drive hidden inside a birthday cake. CRACKED

Jafar Panahi Film Productions

The Guardian

The Island

Michael Bay and his movies The Island The film is suspiciously similar to a B-movie. Robert S. Fiveson, director of 1979's Parts: The Clonus Horror, sued DreamWorks citing around 100 points of similarity between both movies. The suit was considered to have merit, but it was settled before going to trial for a seven-figure amount. CRACKED.COM

Sources: IMDb, Wikipedia
Image Credit: DreamWorks Pictures, Clonus Associates

Boogie Nights

RIENIGHTS Mark Wahlberg's prosthetic penis was quite an extensive undertaking, considering it had 15 seconds of screen-time The penis was created by m

Kids Choice Awards

WHEN THE KIDS CHOICE AWARDS CRACKED GOT IT MORE RIGHT THAN THE OSCARS nickelodeon GLADIATOR HOW THE GRINCH STOLE CHRISTMAS I'm pretty sure no one has thought of Gladiator since 2001. But we think 2001 about the Grinch at least once a year.

Dwight Schrute

DWIGHT K. SCHRUTE UTZ CARREN Eaglia - Brasiler Live CRACKED COM Despite clearly being on the spectrum, Dwight is constantly harassed, belittled, pranked and talked down to by his coworker Jim for the crime of being... really serious about his work? Не wouldn't be so wound up if Jim would just leave the poor beet farmer alone.

Emma Watson

40 Random Bits of Pop-Culture Trivia That Just Got Back From the Finest Clown School in Europe and You Can Tell It Really Changed Their Brain Chemistry

Prince Harry

On a Las Vegas bender, Prince Harry met Ryan Lochte and asked to swim race him. Lochte said yes, so they jumped into a pool with their clothes on and

Major League Baseball

The baseball hand signals were invented by a 19th century deaf player. DI S GRACKED.COM William Ellsworth Dum- my Hoy played for sev- eral teams from 1888 to 1902 and is sometimes credited with developing the hand signals used by umpires to this day.



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