40 Actors and Directors Who Made Major Career Gaffes They Wish They Could Edit-Undo
They’ll never live these down

For many of us, decision-making can be terrifying. Some people get a feeling and just dive right in, while others (like us) take hours to pick a movie, only to regret the decision 10 minutes into it. What if there’s a better movie out there right now? It’s too much pressure!
Whether these actors and directors confidently dove right into these projects or painstakingly weighed the pros and cons, they all came out of it with serious regrets. We’re now pretty grateful that our movie dilemma only wasted a couple hours of our time.
Eli Roth

Ryan Reynolds

Paul Newman

Burt Reynolds

Jason Alexander

Matthew Broderick

Ben Affleck

Alec Guinness


George Clooney

Ewan McGregor

Jim Carrey

Josh Brolin

Malcolm McDowell

Robert Pattinson

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Shia LaBeouf

The Dark Tower

I Am Legend

Patrick Stewart

Drew Barrymore

Daniel Craig

After Earth

Dev Patel


Stanley Tucci

Gwyneth Paltrow

Mandy Patinkin

Bob Hoskins

Alison Brie

Bee Vang

Michelle Pfeiffer

Gemma Arterton

Hugh Grant

Marisa Tomei

Seth Rogen

Rooney Mara

Viola Davis

Evan Peters

Brad Pitt