40 Terrifying, Creepy and Downright Disturbing Facts Hiding Under Your Brain’s Bed, Lightly Clawing at Its Bed Post

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40 Terrifying, Creepy and Downright Disturbing Facts Hiding Under Your Brain’s Bed, Lightly Clawing at Its Bed Post

Sorry to burst your precious bubble of roses and pixie dust, but these utterly disturbing facts were too good to keep to ourselves. Also, they completely terrify us, so we’re mostly just thrilled to get them out of the Cracked offices and into your brain. 

So please take them in while we try to scrub them from our brains Men in Black style. 


Con and MHA de de Luber Secine their pide Pers India - to DALAGOR adidas de being and Mom libra adidas dre AND - - DON a A museum in Rome collects evidence of human souls entering (or struggling to escape) purgatory. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM


Disneyland used to display real human bones. The Pirates of the Caribbean ride used cadaver parts from UCLA in the 1960s. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM

Meowing Nuns

Mass hysteria in a large 19th century French convent once caused a bunch of nuns to start loudly meowing in unison, for hours a day. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM

Dead Pope

CRACKED.COM A Dead Pope was put on trial For political reasons, Pope Stephen VI really had it out for his predecessor's predecessor, Pope Formosus, and accused him of all kinds of pope- ish crimes. In 897, Stephen had Formosus' rotting corpse carried to the courtroom, where he angrily interrogated him in front of the bewildered clergy.


Isn't it adorable how excited your dog gets whenever he's chewing on a squeaky toy? That's because it reminds him of an animal screaming CRACKED.COM

Mary Cerruti

A couple bought the house of a missing woman and found human remains in the attic. DNA tests are ongoing, but its possible the remains are of Mary Cerruti, the former owner who was reported missing in 2015. CRACKED.COM


This nightmare bug will eat your brain like a zombie. Naegleria fowleri is an amoeba that finds its way to your brain and destroys its tissues. It likes warm, fresh water, so be careful around water heaters and poorly maintained pools. CRACKED.COM

Marie Delphine

Marie Delphine LaLaurie kept a torture mansion. When an 1834 fire attracted a crowd, they found a 70-year-old slave woman chained to a stove. She directed the mob to the attic, where seven slaves were suspended from the ceiling by spiky collars, apparently kept alive solely for horrifyingly inventive torture. They had been like that for months. CRACKED.COM


A prime minister was eaten by his constituents. In 1672, Prime Minister Johan de Witt of Holland was wounded by an assassin and forced to resign. Then a mob attacked, stripped him, and hung him from a scaffold, cut off his genitals, then sliced him open. And finally, of course, people began eating him. CRACKED.COM


A lot of busy picnic spots in London are built over burial sites for plague victims. Beneath the city are hundreds of unmapped plague pits, housing tens of thousands of bodies, and some are known to be under very popular parks. CRACKED.COM

New Orleans


Lincoln Park

If you've been to Chicago's Lincoln Park, you've walked over thousands of forgotten graves. South Lincoln Park was the City Cemetary until officials decided to move all the bodies in 1869. But the Great Chicago Fire destroyed the grave markers and as many as 10,000 corpses may have been left behind. If you explore the park, you can find the last remaining tomb. GRACKED.COM

Mount Everest

MOUNT EVEREST IS LITTERED WITH DEAD BODIES. Once à desolate place, Mount Everest is climbed every year by hundreds of people wishing to look down on the world. Many don't survive. 11 died during the 2019 climbing season alone. At least 200 corpses are still up there, tucked into crevasses or buried in the snow. CRACKED.COM

Czech Republic

Saint George Church, Lukova Czech Republic In 1968, during a funeral, the ceiling of the building collapsed and people started to believe that the church was haunted. No reconstruction was planned. Jakub Hadrava, student at a local university, had the idea of making several gypsum figures and the result is stunningly creepy. CRACKED.COM


Babies grow a temporary mustache in utero. The fine hair eventually spreads to their entire body, and usualy disappears - ie, is ingested - before birth. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM

The Sedlec Ossuary

The Sedlec Ossuary is partially constructed out of 70,000 skeletons. That's skeletons, not bones. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM

Medical Errors

Medical error acounts for about 250,000 premature deaths in the United States every year. That's the third leading cause of death in the country. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM

Serial Killers

There are probably as many as 2,000 serial killers who have never been caught, and are just living out their creepy little lives. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM

Madame Tussaude

Madame HOLLYWOOD TussandS The real Madame Tussaude was spared from the guillotine, then employed to fetch its famous victims' heads and create death masks. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM

Therapy Cat

A therapy cat in a Rhode Island nursing home has predicted dozens of deaths by locating and lying with residents who are on death's door. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM

Ancient Arabia

A legendary practice in ancient Arabia involved a person binging on honey until they died, soaking in honey for 100 years, then being made into a bone-healing candy. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM

Tree in the Lungs

Surgeons once removed a fledgling fir tree from a man's lungs, after diagnosing it as a tumor. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM

Russian Radio

Ya UVB-76, 180 08 BROMAL 74 27 99 14. Boris, Roman, Olga A mysterious, unknown Russian radio station has been broadcasting a strange buzzing, punctuated by intermittent code words, since 1973. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM


Harvard has a book bound in human skin. The doctor who had Des destinees de l'ame bound said A book about the human soul deserved to have a human covering. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM

Gas Lamps

CRACKED.COM Gas lamps might have contributed to Victorian ghosts. DE With gas lighting being a new thing and regulations being not a thing at all, Victorian people weren't unlikely to inhale gas (not to mention the fires and explosions). Hallucinations caused by carbon monoxide poisoning might help explain the uptick in ghostly activity in the mid-1800s.

Andrew Jackson

CRACKED.COM Andrew Jackson collected noses. Jackson didn't exactly like Native Americans, regardless of whether they were hostile or peaceful. Yes, he adopted an orphan Creek child - after being the reason the kid was an orphan in the first place. Не had his soldiers cut off the noses to keep track of how many they killed.

Mike the Headless Chicken

A chicken lived without a head for 18 months. Colorado farmer Lloyd Olsen botched the killing of a chicken in 1945, and the bird was left only mostly beheaded, but still with part of its brain. Mike the Headless Chicken lived for a year and a half after that, and became a sideshow attraction. CRACKED.COM

Mummified Dog

CRACKED.COM Loggers found a mummified dog inside a tree. Back in the 1980s, a group of loggers had the scare of their lives after cutting down a chestnut oak. The nightmare sight they found is believed to be a hunting dog that got stuck while chasing a prey, and was preserved by the tree's tannins.

Ana Draxin

CRACKED.COM A Yugoslavian granny was a prolific serial killer. Ana Draxin, also known as Baba Anujka, prepared potions to help women with their marital troubles -which were often of the husband is an abusive asshole variety (and the potions were carefully measured arsenic). She killed between 50 and 150 people before she was caught in 1928.


CRACKED.COM A guy spent 12 years in a coma, but completely aware. South African Martin Pistorious slipped into a coma at 12. At 16 he began to regain consciousness, but he still couldn't move or speak for years. His strongest memory of his time locked in is Barney & Friends reruns on the TV. Today, he hates Barney more than any other living person.


CRACKED.COM Hamlet productions often use real skulls The 2008 production of Hamlet starring David Tennant uses composer André Tchaikowsky's skull, which he willed for that specific purpose. While not every Hamlet skull is a celebrity, stagings of the play have been using real human heads since at least 1755.


CRACKED.COM Scream was inspired by a real murderer. The movie is a comment on the horror genre and not real events, but still Ghostface is based on an actual spree killer. Danny Rolling, a.k.a. The Gainesville Ripper, didn't wear a mask or taunt his victims over the phone, but did have a penchant for maximizing the shock value of his crimes.


A Michigan teenager found part of a GRAGKED.COM finger in his Arby's sandwich. According to the restaurant, an employee had cut her finger on a slicer and didn't tell anyone.


A FAMILY MOVED INTO A HOUSE INFESTED WITH VENOMOUS SPIDERS. Between 4,500 and 6,000 brown recluse spiders dropped from the ceilings, and crawled out of the walls. IT HAPPENED IN THE SUBURB OF ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI, NOT IN AUSTRALIA. CRACKED.COM

Elevator Deaths

In 2011, an NYC elevator spontaneously malfunctioned and murdered a woman. The elevator shot up the moment Suzanne Hart set one foot inside, dragging her body between the elevator shaft and the wall. Investigators couldn't determine why it suddenly malfunctioned. No safety issues were found in the latest inspection. CRACKED.COM


CRACKED.COM In July of 2017 scientists discovered a new strain of gonorrhea which is resistant to known antibiotic treatments.


A couple in Toronto received photographs of themselves from a hacker, shot by their own webcam the previous night. Mahmoud Abdo 3 hours ago Sent from Web They were watching Netflix together when somebody hacked into their webcam and took their photos without them knowing. CRACKED.COM

Bumble Bee Foods

CRACKED.COM BUMBLE FOODS, BEE ® LLC ® In 2012, a Bumble Bee Foods employee was cooked in an industrial oven with 12,000 pounds of canned tuna. Fortunately, the contaminated fish never went to market.

The Foul Smell of Atlantic City

German tourists complained about a foul smell in their motel room in Atlantic City. THE STENCH TURNED OUT TO BE THE DECOMPOSING BODY OF AN ELDERLY MAN FOUND UNDERNEATH THE BED. CRACKED.COM

The Dead Roach

40 Terrifying, Creepy and Downright Disturbing Facts Hiding Under Your Brain’s Bed, Lightly Clawing at Its Bed Post


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