38 Schemers, Scammers and Loophole-Exploiters That Got An A for Effort But An F for Fraud Charges

Robberies without all that messy smashing-and-grabbing nonsense
38 Schemers, Scammers and Loophole-Exploiters That Got An A for Effort But An F for Fraud Charges

Scam artists and white-collar fraudsters are like the dark magicians of the corporate world. With a flick of their charm and dream-selling wand, they can pull fluffy, cotton-tailed fortunes out of your bank account’s hat. These victims were clapping, oohing and ah-ing in the moment, but some time later, they realized that this show cost them a lot more than just the price of admission. 

Donald Trump

From 2006 to 2015, Donald Trump promoted video phones made by ACN, a multi-level marketing company. AON Trump distanced himself from ACN when he began

The Fake Will Scam

Charles Vance Millar, a rich Canadian financier, made his will one giant practical joke. CRACKED.COM In it, he left three men who hated one another a joint lifetime tenancy in a villa, some protestant ministers $700,000 in Catholic beer stock, and anti-horse rac- ing advocates $25,000 in a Jockey club.


A Totally Fake Hedge Fund as a Wedding Present

Kim Kardashian's ex-husband got scammed by his wedding guest. Kris Humphries lost hundreds of thousands of dollars in a scam that involved a totally fake hedge fund by one Andrey C. Hicks. CRACKED.COM

Source: US Magazine

Bernie Madoff (Yep, Him Again)

Harry Markopolos warned people about Bernie Madoff, but no one would listen. The Boston financial analyst knew Madoff's results weren't possible, but between a petty rivalry between the SEC's New York and Boston offices and a staff consisting of lawyers who don't actually understand the financial industry, nothing happened. CRACKED.COM


Alexander Hamilton

HAMILTON'S BUDDY FORCED HIM TO MAKE FINANCE LAWS CRACKED 28635 Alexander Hamilton's friend and Treasury department colleague William Duer stole thousands of dollars with insider trading, before there were many laws preventing it.

Stan Lee’s Business Manager

Stan Lee's business manager stole not just millions of dollars, but also his blood. Besides swindling him out of money, he also allegedly had a nurse take blood from Lee, which he then sold in Las Vegas as a collectible for thousands of dollars. CRACKED.COM

Source: Vulture

Bernie Madoff

CRACKEDCO COM 9 E HUL EY John Malkovich and Larry King lost $1.7M and $700,000, respectively, to Bernie Madoff's investing scheme. King was fortunate

Ingenious Media

Investors in Ingenious Media, the company behind movies including Avatar and Life of Pi, are suing the company for fraud. MORTMINGTON A'ANA RO/RAAR DA

Jerry Seinfeld’s Shady Accountant

CRACKEDOON Jerry Seinfeld was hoodwinked by a shady accountant. Seinfeld gave him an envelope with thousands of dollars in it, the accountant spent it

The Nigerian Prince Scam

The Nigerian Prince has been around for 200 years. Rich people randomly offering you big bucks if you help them out of trouble was already a scam genre in the early 19th century. Later, in the 1890s, scammers got to claiming in their letters that they were prisoners of the Spanish- American war, earning the scheme the name the Spanish prisoner. - - as VIS DE - - - CRACKED.COM



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