40 Random Bits of True-Crime Trivia to Make You Go Full Pepe Silvia

Get out your red string! We’ve got some dots to connect
40 Random Bits of True-Crime Trivia to Make You Go Full Pepe Silvia

If you’re as into true crime as we are, feel free to print out these facts and plaster them on a massive corkboard. You never know, each one might be a clue in a big case! But if you’re more of the consumer type than the sleuth type, feel free to just get these in your brain as quickly as possible and get back to your favorite true-crime show. 

Spoiler alert: The husband did it!

Dr. Death

The most prolific serial killer in recorded human history was a doctor. CRACKED.COM British doctor Harold Shipman (also known as 'Doctor Death') was proven to have murdered at least 250 of his patients but may have killed as many as 459 people.


Wisconsin Police

CRACKED + CATCHING A DOUBLE MURDERER In 2010, Wisconsin cops used Google Maps to spot a green Kia minivan that had been seen near the place where a double murder happened - - this helped them to catch the suspect. Turns out, the guy wasn't smart enough to ditch the van.


Ted Bundy

In June 1977 Ted Bundy served as his own defence lawyer in a murder case against him. He was allowed to walk without handcuffs or shackles. He was als

British Columbia

The mystery: severed Feet repeatedly washed up on British Columbia's beaches. People attributed them to plane crashes or a serial killer. The answer:

Long Range Acoustic Devices

CRACKED.COM NZ BOYS COM West Police use weaponized sound. Sound weapons aren't just a science-fiction technology. Police forces sometimes disperse crowds with a device called LRAD (Long Range Acoustic Device), which hits you with a beam of sound of around 137 dB. The effects of this sonic shotgun include nausea, vertigo, and of course, hearing loss.


Google Maps

CRACKED SOLVING A SEXUAL ASSAULT CASE In 2017, the Milwaukee Police used a Google Maps request to help solve a kidnapping and sexual assault case. This request allowed Google to search for devices near the crime scene, which led to the arrest of two suspects.


Fingerprint Science

CRACKED.COM MYTH: Found fingerprints at the crime scene? Bingo! REALITY: There are no true consensus as to how and if fingerprint forensics really work. The precision and methodologies of fingerprint forensics have been questioned and opposed by a lot of experts (even entire countries). The claim that no two fingerprints are identical has still not been proven, but the error rate has. Point is that it's not an exact science, and shouldn't be believed to be.


22-Year-Old Cold Case Solved

CRACKED Moon Bay cir SOLVING A 22-YEAR-OLD COLD CASE In 2019, police in Florida were able to find the body of William Moldt who had disappeared 22 years earlier. This was only possible because a person who used to live in the area noticed a car submerged in a pond on Google Maps.


Villisca Axe Murder House

CRACKED VILLISCA AXE MURDER HOUSE This house, in Villisca, lowa, was the site of a gruesome, unsolved murder case from the early 1900s. People can take a tour of the house and even spend the night for $400. The graves of the victims are located at the nearby Villisca Cemetery. THE Villycca Ax Murder House JUNE 192


The Night Stalker

Serial killer Richard Ramirez, the Night Stalker, was once pulled over by a police Officer when he was speeding away from a crime scene in a stolen

The Hinterkaifeck Murders

THE YEAR WAS 1922... THE HINTERKAIFECK MURDERS HAPPENED Regarded as Germany's most famous unsolved crime, the killing of a family of five and their maid on a farmstead in Bavaria shook not only the country but also the world as details emerged of the unknown killer who-by the look of the crime scene-spent days after bludgeoning the family to death staying in their home and feeding their animals while the bodies were decomposing in the barn. CRACKED.COM


The Bear Brook Murders

The culprit in the Bear Brook murders has been identified. When police failed to identify four bodies crammed into metal drums, the case went cold. SH

Charles Manson

MYTH: CRACKED Manson and his posse were serial killers. REALITY: None of them were. Serial murder is defined as the killing of three or more people by

Glitter Clues

Glitter is just as good as a fingerprint (or better). Alaska officers arrested Michael Alexander on kidnapping and murder charges based on the unique


MYTH8 CSI teams SWeep through the scene of a crime and solve it, fast. FAGT8 That's only on TV. Crime scene investigators don't solve cases. Their rol

Serial Killers Birthdays

CRACKEDCo MoRE SERTAL KILLERS ARE BORN IN ANUARY THAN ANY OTHER MONTH A study of 293 serial killer spread across 29 countries all over the world revea


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