42 Comforting Bits of Nostalgia That’ll Have Your Boss Screaming ‘Quit Daydreaming About Simpler Times and Get Back to Work!’

Join us in a time before rent and bills, will you?
42 Comforting Bits of Nostalgia That’ll Have Your Boss Screaming ‘Quit Daydreaming About Simpler Times and Get Back to Work!’

We’re a little nervous to show you these nostalgic nuggets, because once we take you on this journey back in time, we’re afraid that you’ll never want to leave. As you’ve seen in every time-travel movie, staying for too long can risk altering the present day. 

Actually, now that we think about it, we don’t know what we’re so worried about. Let’s all bask in these simpler times as long as we like. We’ll have way more fun, and let’s face it, the present day can use some serious altering.

Garbage Pail Kids

In the mid 80s, Cabbage Patch Kids RGLAIONIDS GARA dolls were at the height o-f popularity. PAILKIDS 20b GARBAGE LOSING FAI PHAT PHIL TOPS NL TENTSA 2

Vanessa Carlton

CRACKED VANESSA CARLTON WAS THE QUEEN OF 2002. Her hit single A Thousand Miles and its music video made her world-famous. It remained in the Billboard Top Ten for 41 weeks, went double platinum and charted worldwide. No other song came close.

Jonathan Taylor Thomas

JTT won the first-ever Kids Choice Lifetime Achievement Award Jonathan Taylor Thomas won the award at age 18, which maaay have been premature. CRACKED.COM


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

... TELL US NOW. TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES (2003) Anthony G. says, The 80s one is way more kiddy and has way weaker storylines. 2003 was far superior in storytelling, art, animation, character development, etc. The 80s cartoon isn't even remotely close to as good once you can get past nostalgia. CRACKED.COM

Old School Effects

CRACKED.COM Fake DeLorean Amazing effects made without CGI Back to the Future II That lamp post isn't random - it's there to hide the change from the flying fake DeLorean to a real car. The transition is seamless, with shadows and details perfectly matched. God damn, we love this trilogy. Real DeLorean



TELL US NOW. SEINFELD S3EP 5: THE LIBRARY Jessica S. enjoys the episode where We are sent back in time to George and Jerry's high school days. In the locker room, Jerry, sporting a 70s mullet rather than his usual 90s mullet, lends his borrowed copy of Tropic of Cancer to

‘80s Power Ballads

People hate 80s power ballads because they're typically over-produced songs with vapid lyrics created by music corporations. OXETT BONNIE TYLER LISTEN

Nickelodeon Cartoons

1991 was a big 11 year for Nickelodeon 993 1994 cartoons. 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 993 1994 1995 1996 1997 It was the debut of their first animated series: Doug, 1995 Rugrats, and Ren & Stimpy. 1993 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 CRACKED.COM NOW YOU KNOW: THE '90s


‘90s TV

Q. Why did 90s kids' shows have forced educational messages? The Children's Television Act of 1990 ordered the FCC to regulate that children's programming be educational and informational in the United States, although it was difficult to enforce. CRACKED

Disaster Movies

TWISTER CRACKED.COM In the '90s, countless volcanoes, meteors, and twisters threatened protagonists everywhere. By the early 2000s, Hollywood's priorities shifted to fantasies like Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter, so disaster movies like The Core did nowhere near as well.

Source: looper

Pulp Fiction

JOHN TRAVOLTA BE PULP FICTION CRACKED.COM After 70s hits like Saturday Night Fever and Grease, John Travolta had multiple flops in the 80s that saw his career dwindling. The role of Vincent Vega in Tarantino's 1994 phenomenon Pulp Fiction catapulted him back on the A-list, and lead to a string of hits.

Source: Looper


CRACKED VS HOUSING THE'90s TODAY CRACKED.COM The first half of the Since 2013, housing decade saw little prices have been change in the market, climbing to the it wasn't until '95 that pre-2008 crash home prices began an level, then upward trend that surpassing them just got more steep in in 2018. the 2000s. roughly WINNER: LANDLORDS

Source: DQYDJ

Kids Movies

CRACKED YOU CAN'T MAKE DARK, DISTURBING MOVIES FOR KIDS ANYMORE. In the '80s, we had The Dark Crystal, The NeverEnding Story, Pee Wee's Big Adventure, and Gremlins before everything brightened up in the '90s. Back then, a ghost gave Ray oral in Ghostbusters and Batman was made by Tim Burton.

Kids Inc.

DLO Kids Incorporated was a musical TV show aired during the '80s and '90s. It featured children and teenagers, many of whom would become famous after

‘90s Kids

Identifying as a 90s kid CRACKEDCONT Teens (understandably) hate our '9Os nostalgia (since it's the early aughts that are now back in style)

Finding New Music

After I played a '90s hit to a decade younger friend, he, very seriously, asked me: WILD SMITH MIAM How out did you find about music in new those day


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