40 Companies and Corporations That Have a Lot of ‘Splainin’ to Do

When big business backfires
40 Companies and Corporations That Have a Lot of ‘Splainin’ to Do

Well, good on these wily suits for trying, but boy did their deals, mergers and marketing ploys blow up in their faces. We’re not usually the types to revel in someone else’s misfortunes, but when it’s billionaires, CEOs and shady business types, we let out a pleasurable little chuckle. We can’t help it. We grew up on ‘90s movies where the bad guys were predominately rich and snooty.

Trump Steaks

Donald Trump's Exclusive Introduction worst TRUMP business idea STEAKS THE WORLD'S GREATEST STEAK ever (maybe). Trump Steaks were (for some reason) sold at the Sharper Image. Sharper Image CEO Jerry Levin called it a horrible business idea, saying, We literally sold almost no steaks. If we sold $50,000 worth of steaks in total, I'd be surprised. CRACKED

Corporate Basketball

In the Philippines, basketball teams are corporate-owned. Tender Juicy HOTDOO Each team only serves as its corporation's marketing tool. Their names change often, depending on what the company wants to sell: for example, there used to be a team called Kia Sorento that became Kia Carnival. And the Purefoods Star Hotshots were Purefoods Tender Juicy Hotdogs, then Purefoods Corned Beef Cowboys. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM


HyperSocial CEO

People are ripping into the CEO that posted a crying selfie on LinkedIn. CRACKED.COM Braden Wallake, the CEO of a company specializing in opti- mizing LinkedIn posts, post- ed the blubbering photo on a post discussing layoffs in his company. Here's how to op- timize this particular post: Delete it.

Whole Foods

Whole Foods used to sell food made with prison labor. Snowdrop m or adidas NATIONAL Haystack Mountain goat cheese, sold at Whole Foods, was made by inmates and the company sold it for nearly a decade -- they stopped only when a prison reform activist wrote to the CEO. CRACKED.COM

Ulta Beauty

Ulta Beauty apologized for a 'Come hang with Kate Spade' perfume promo CRACKED COM The designer died by suicide when she hanged herself in 2018. Spade's death led to a wave of conversations about mental health.


Elon Musk’s Financial Losses

CRACKED $182 BILLION IN A LITTLE MORE THAN A YEAR In January 2023, Elon Musk had lost a huge amount of money - around $182 billion - since November 2021, which was the biggest loss of personal fortune ever recorded.


Krispy Kreme

In 2015, Krispy Kreme had a promo naMED Frispy KKK Wednesday Krspy hreme Krirpy Kreme. Htull HALF TERM ACTIVITIES Xbany 900 1200 XLny 000 209 YORNGA

Racist Restaurant Rant

CRACKED CORPORATE CRASH & BURN BEING RACIST IN A RESTAURANT Michael Lofthouse, the head of a tech business in San Francisco, quit his job after a video showed him making racist comments to an Asian family at a restaurant in Carmel Valley on the Fourth of July.


ABC 7 News

Gambled Away $100 Million

CRACKED OVER $100 MILLION GAMBLED AWAY One businessman lost more than $100 million in 2007 at a chain of casinos in Las Vegas. It's said that he was given alcohol and drugs to keep him gambling.


Clearlink CEO

CRACKED CEO PRAISES EMPLOYEE FOR SACRIFICING THEIR PET FOR THE OFFICE. James Clarke, the CEO of Clearlink, had a meeting with the staff where he praised a worker who had to give away their pet dog because the company was making them come back to the office. God bless America, or something.


CORPORATE CRASH & BURN CATCHING THE IRE OF THE DEEP STATE Patrick Byrne, the CEO of Overstock, stepped down in 2019 after he said weird stuff about the Deep State, which caused the company's stock to fall by 36%. Coincidence? CRACKED


Matt Damon's crypto firm sent someone $10.5 million instead of $100, and they can't get it back. GRAGKED.COM Crypto.com didn't discover that millions of dollars had gone to an Australian woman until seven months later, at which point the money was either spent or transferred.

Red Lobster

A Red Lobster president lost her job after creating an endless crab promotion. Red Lobster Edna Morris tried to boost profits with a $22.99 din- ner promotion, but instead lost millions by bungling her calculations on how many times patrons would refill their plates with pric- ey crab. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW

Nike Swoosh Designer

The Nike Swoosh designer got 35 bucks nike GRACKED.COM Graphic designer Carolyn Davidson came up with the now-iconic Swoosh in 1971. She was paid a paltry $35 by the CEO at the time, who also made it clear he didn't even really like the design. (Thankfully, a decade later, a new CEO gifted her Nike stock worth hundreds of thousands of dollars).

Boss Demands

One year, my company had an outing on a small cruise ship. During the event, my boss-and CEO of the company-n -made me ask the captain to change the d

Indonesian Marketing Stunt

An Indonesian marketing expert thought it would be a good idea to throw money out of a plane. Instead of a traditional campaign for his book, Tung Des


Donald Trump has filed for bankruptcy with four of his companies, not having to pay millions of dollars in debt. Ses ES 6 But U.S. law does not allow


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