38 Random Bits of Trivia About Mental Health That Definitely Count As An Act of Self-Care

We’ve come a long way in the mental health game. Yeesh
38 Random Bits of Trivia About Mental Health That Definitely Count As An Act of Self-Care

Before you delve into these wildly interesting mental-health facts, we’d like to stop and appreciate the leaps and bounds the mental-health field has taken in the past few decades. If you or a loved one have or are currently experiencing anything but neurotypical thinking or mental clarity, you should thank your lucky stars that you’re alive now and not, well, most other times in human history. 

Ooh, and practicing gratitude is a great form of mental health! Well, would you look at that?

Alice in Wonderland Syndrome

CRACKED A British psychiatrist first identified ALICE IN WONDERLAND SYNDROME in the 1950s. It's a rare neurological disorder that causes people to have distorted perceptions of their body, time, and the world around them.

Capgras Syndrome

CRACKED People with CAPGRAS SYNDROME think their family and friends have been swapped out for imposters. They don't feel the same way when they see them, like their brain isn't making the connection between the person and the emotions they should be feeling.

Fregoli Syndrome

CRACKED People with FREGOLI SYNDROME believe that people they know are wearing disguises and pretending to be someone else. It's believed to be caused by a physical issue, and researchers have studied how it affects people with mental health conditions.

Exploding Head Syndrome

CRACKED If you've ever heard a loud noise or crashing sound in your head while you're sleeping, you may have EXPLODING HEAD SYNDROME. Don't worry though, it's not dangerous and doesn't need any treatment.

Selena Gomez

Being in the spotlight most of her life had an impact on Selena Gomez's mental health. She suffered from anxiety, depression, and panic attacks, which


CRACKEDCOR Comedians seek mental health care at nearly twice the rate of the rest of the population. About 48% of people polled had been under the car


CRACKEDCON KISS iineek DAIY Showing affection towards the one we love has the potential to reduce stress andincrease our feelings of well being. This

Alien Hand Syndrome

CRACKED ALIEN HAND SYNDROME is a condition where the non-dominant hand acts on its own. Treatments include muscle control therapies, mirror box therapy, cognitive therapy techniques, and learning task behavioral therapies.


HOLLYWOOD loves a sad, brooding love interest. Real depression kills relationships. That sad character being portrayed as romantic would actually be r


38 Random Bits of Trivia About Mental Health That Definitely Count As An Act of Self-Care
Debra M.

What Movies Get Wrong

IN THE MOUTH OF FMADNESS In movies and TV, going to a mental health care facility means a padded room and a bucket to poop in. In the real world, Amer


ANYTHING CRACKEDCOR can become an ADDICTION! Most people associate addiction with alcohol and hard drugs. But behavioral addictions can be just as ser

DeepWell Video Games

Fall Guys publisher will make new games focused on improving mental health. 08 07 Devolver Digital co-founder Mike Wilson and Ryan Douglas, former CEO of medical device company Nextern, announced a new company, DeepWell, a games publisher explicitly dedicated to both developing and publishing games that provide proven health benefits.COM


Mental Hospitals

In America, the vast majority of those institutionalized with mental illness are no longer in mental hospitals but in prison or jail. Out of sight...


Shows about mental illness LEGION SCHIZOPHRENIA There's also a parasitical mental energy being, though, so the line gets fuzzy. CRACKED.COM

Source: Wired


LOBOTOMIES WERE ONCE USED AS A CURE-ALL. Do you have frequent headaches? Are your children unruly? Ask your doctor if a lobotomy is right for you! In

Health Care

TELL US NOW. WORKING IN HEALTH CARE MAY BE BAD FOR YOUR MENTAL HEALTH Kelly W. says, That even though jobs in health care are in high demand and easily obtainable with decent benefits and pay, they're not worth the sacrifice to your personal time, mental health, personal well-being or family time. You have to deal with people when they're definitely not at their best. CRACKED.COM


Unsurprisingly, mental illness frequently results in poverty, because of lack of employment, higher health care costs, and stigmatization. MENTAL POVE

Power Naps

CRACKED TAKEA POWER NAP. When you're sleepy your brain loses its ability to focus. A simple 10 minute nap will make you feel more alert and clear-head

Good Will Hunting

Will Hunting has to deal with his past to get healthy. Letting go of the past isn't a magic bullet. Most people picture psychiatry as a doctor encoura

Shock Therapy

Movies depict shock therapy as brutal and barbaric. Il's actually mild and effective. Electro-convulsive treatment is shown in the movies as savage do

Silver Linings Playbook

In silver Linings Playbook, love cures bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder doesn't work that Way. Being in a good relationship is a positive influence


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