20 Characters Who Would Make the Best ‘Odd Couple’

‘Chewbacca and Gollum’
20 Characters Who Would Make the Best ‘Odd Couple’

Hey, even fictional characters get down on their luck. It’s hard to imagine, considering the mansions they always seem to be able to afford on assistant’s salaries and the never-ending cash flow required to support their wild adventures, but it’s theoretically possible. Even the ones who are certified independently wealthy are bound to get lonely, as they tend to get that way by avoiding meaningful connections that result in dependents.

So let’s make the most of the situation. Who would be the best fictional roommates? Would it be characters who are so like each other that they feed off each other’s energy? Or would a modern Felix Unger/Oscar Madison duo be more entertaining? That was the question on user Bob_Squob’s mind when they asked r/AskReddit, “What two fictional characters, when paired as roommates, would make for the funniest sitcom?”

Self_Awareness 10y ago Arya and The Hound.
sleepyhermit 10y ago Chewbacca and Gollum.
 10y ago Bender from Futurama and Tyrion from Game of Thrones.
nuckingfuts73 10y ago Ron Swanson and Dr. COX
darthalucard 10y ago Rick from Rick and Morty and Cartman from South Park
Bonanza86 10y ago Abed Nadir and Sheldon Cooper. Yeah, I went there.
BigAppleBag 10y ago Hannibal Lecter and Forest Gump edit: thought better of it
 10y ago Gandalf the Grey and Captain Picard. I shall call it X-Men.
 10y ago Hank Hill and Borat. Mah suit is NOT black, I tell ya what!
Ipfreely816 10y ago Hodor and Groot. We'd need lots of subtitles.
 10y ago I'm shocked no one has said this, but Boomhauer and Kenny from South Park.
KeybladeSpirit 10y ago Edited 10y ago Marvin the Paranoid Android and Barney Stinson Marvin, I'm gonna teach you how to live. I'm a robot. I haven't got any life to live.
HumanBossBattle 10y ago The intensely happy, carefree, always-smiling person from any prescription medication commercial and the tirelessly frustrated person giving up and throwing shit on the table from any product infomercial.
 10y ago Palpatine as the Emperor (Star Wars) & Jeffrey The Dude Lebowski - the sitcom being about Palpatine trying to teach his roommate his evil ways, slowly realizing that there is simply no way this will ever work out.. and slowly gets taught how to chill out properly.
Aristophan 10y ago Legolas and Dobby. But it has to be because they both went to mythical creature college and were randomly paired as roommates there because they were both elves.
whipcrackincheddar 10y ago Edited 10y ago Dennis Reynolds and Jeff Winger. I'd love to see them have a rallying speech off and for Jeff to see that, by comparison, he's really not that narcissistic. Could have the cast of both shows popping in for cameos, I'd love to see Charlie and Frank and Abed and Troy playing nightcrawlers together and Britta and Dee imploding into a black hole of self loathing on first meeting.
Max_Insanity 10y ago Son Goku and Lex Luthor. Goku has no real weakness and Luthor can't kill him. It would also be impossible to manipulate him in a way that he would knowingly harm someone. Не can't be controlled or killed and Luthor's pet peeve is superpowered beings (specifically aliens, which Goku is) going around saving the day when humanity should be able to get the job done itself. Also, he wouldn't be able to stand Goku's low intelligence. The worst thing, however, is that no matter how evil he is and how badly he treats Goku, he'd still be
LeRoienJaune 10y ago Edited 10y ago HK-47: He's a misanthropic assassin assembled by a Sith Lord whose principal hobbies are murder and terrorism. GladOS: She's a deranged psychotic Al that loves to run terrible experiments upon human subjects. Forced to live together, they are the new stars of Destroy All Meatbags! This fall, on NBC!
COGspartaN7 10y ago Talked this one over with the so a while back. Jean-Ralphio Saperstein and Douglas Renholm. Jean-Ralphio somehow spins a job interview into houseguest/wingman for Douglas. With both indulging one another's crazy schemes using Renholm's fortune. Much partying ensues.
Matthicus 10y ago Chuck Cunningham and Benjen Stark. Then we'd finally know where each of them went.


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