21 of the Most Shocking Moments of Live Television People Have Ever Watched

‘George Bush doesn’t care about Black people’
21 of the Most Shocking Moments of Live Television People Have Ever Watched

Live TV may seem like a modern phenomenon, but in truth, it’s pre-recorded media that’s the broadcasting baby. Before TV, entertainment was almost always live, whether on the radio, on the stage or in front of the glow from the fire on the cave wall. Those hand puppet shows must have been off the chain.

That means there was always a chance things could get wild. In fact, it’s the ability to cut the feed that makes it feel all the more special, like something you’re not supposed to see. That’s made a lot of live TV moments stick out in Redditors’ minds, which they catalogued when user groovetrain_ asked r/AskReddit, “What’s the craziest thing you’ve seen unfold live on television before it could be taken off-air/censored?”

Grocery_Getter 4y ago Late to this but Bob Dylan's set getting crashed by the Soy Bomb guy on the Grammys.
DublinMarbs 4y ago Jarvis Cocker pulling a moonie in front of Michael Jackson at the Brit awards was pretty funny.
tdasnowman 4y ago Drew Barrymore flashing david letterman for his birthday.
 4y ago Tyson biting Holyfield's ear
iWatchCrapTV 4y ago Edited 4y ago Hanging out with some friends at a bar so we could watch the UFC on a giant screen, and then seeing Anderson Silva's leg snap in half like a twig from really up close was, uh... something.
catinreverse 4y ago The Challenger exploding when I was in elementary school. The whole school was watching it on tv in the auditorium.
GN85 4y ago When Columbine happened they were airing it live on TV. People coming out covered in blood. Terrifying
ShitLaMerde 4y ago Once during an NFL game on a cold day in the 70's they panned to the crowd and there was a man who was caught on fire, running down the stairs. They quickly cut away and it was never mentioned.
cordycepswitch 4y ago That time Randy Johnson vaporized a bird with his pitch. I was at a sports bar with my parents and half paying attention to the game when I saw the ball explode into a big poof of feathers.
Jacks_Chicken_Tartar 4y ago Back in 2015 an armed man in a suit walked into our live (Dutch) national news and took the people there hostage, or tried to anyway. Не was a conspiracy theorist and said the news was spreading lies. The gun later turned out to be a replica, not a real firearm.
 4y ago The Hillsborough football stadium disaster in 1989. 96 people crushed to death against the metal fence surrounding a football pitch. All live on National TV. And the cameras kept rolling all the way through. Absolutely horrifying.
coffeehousebrat 4y ago George Bush doesn't care about black people. - Kanye West I will never forget the look on Mike Myers' face.
fatdamon26435 4y ago After Hurricane Katrina the people stuck in NO at the stadium and gathered on a freeway overpass dying of thirst and hungry as hell. News saying the government didn't know where people were so they couldnt drop food and water. Was surreal because the news crews literally had the people on tv with captions of their locations but поре, both local and federal government couldnt figure it out.
SSTBWT9789 4y ago Nothing gruesome like some of these. But the Houston flooding during Hurricane Harvey. A reporter was live talking about how flooded the underpass was, and during this, a car drives straight past him into the water, at least 6ft of water, probably more. The reporter looks totally shocked at the camera and then runs into the water and saves the man from the drowning in his car. There were actually a lot of heroic reporters during Harvey.
Yoyokid844 4y ago Real-life GTA A man stole a car with kids in it. Amber Alert issued, he runs from the cops. Later in the chase, he ditches the first car and climbs into a second. More fleeing. Causes multi-car wreck. Runs on foot, finds a high fence to climb, doesn't have the upper body strength to go over the top. Captured. I was in middle school and this was the highlight of my week
wzl46 4y ago In the 90s, MTV was on in the background, and Downtown Julie Brown was hosting some sort of pool party weekend thing. They were going to commercial, so as she was talking to the camera, saying what was going to be going on after the commercial, some dude started getting closer, and started grinding up against her. Just as she was done, and before they cut to the commercial, she pushed the dude off her and she yelled Get the FUCK off of me!
DRybUGS 4y ago I saw the Max Headroom signal intrusion the night it happened, I was hanging with some friends smoking hash and watching Doctor Who, it was so bizarre and we were so high that we weren't even sure we had actually seen it until a couple days later when it started showing up in the news.
GoliathPrime 4y ago When I was around 7 years old in Panama City, Florida two teenagers hacked into the local news feed. We were in the living room watching the news and it started to break up and then went to snow. Before my dad could get up to mess with the rabbit ears, the signal resolved to show two kids in a bedroom looking at something off screen, then they looked at the camera. Once they realized they were on live TV, they started screaming and hugging each other and jumping around yelling 'we did it! WE DID IT!
LittlestSlipper55 4y ago I watched the infamous BEYONCE HAD THE BEST MUSIC VIDEO OF ALL TIME!! Kanye moment live. I wasn't totally paying attention to the show, like I watched Taylor Swift's name read out and went back to looking down at my laptop, but I do remember glancing up from my laptop and seeing Kanye West walking up to the mic and thinking Uh, ok, is he like on the album too?. When he started Yo Taylor I'm really happy for you... I was like, what is he doing?! When he finished, my mouth was wide open. I couldn't
EtherBoo 4y ago It wasn't so crazy as much as the impact of it was to television, but the Janet Jackson boob was so bizarre. It seemed completely planned and everyone was unsure as to what exactly was supposed to happen, but it seemed like something that wasn't supposed to. It was all very puzzling and then the controversy started blowing up.
Maxwyfe 4y ago The LA riots were really brutal to watch on television. They tried to not show any graphic violence but sometimes it just happened. You saw a lot of footage of people looting and running up and down streets throwing things and hitting people but nothing really bad until those men caught Reginald Denney stranded in his truck at an intersection. They smashed the truck windows and dragged him by his hair, I think, out of the truck and just stomped the ever loving crap out of him and the camera never moved. It was a news helicopter


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