21 Unbelievable Moments Omitted from History Books

Listen, no history book can cover everything. Despite what it might feel like sometimes, publishers are aware that you’re going to have to carry this thing around in your backpack all semester, and most history books are highly specialized for exactly this reason. If you’re looking for information on Ancient Greece, for example, a history of German hip-hop is probably not the place to go.
Those aren’t always the reasons for omission, though. Sometimes, it’s political. Other times, the facts are at the mercy of historians to decide what is and isn’t pertinent in the limited but back-breaking space they have. Occasionally, a story is so outrageous that repeating it will instantly discredit you, even if it’s true. That’s why user Hysterria asked r/AskReddit, “History buffs of Reddit, what is one of the most fascinating stories you've learned that no one seems to talk about and can’t be found in textbooks?”