20 Lies That Most People Would Probably Believe

Here on the internet, everyone strives to tell the truth, but it would be super easy to use it to lie to people, too. Here, watch this: There are 9,000 hairs on the average human testicle. Can you tell us how far off we are without Googling it? Or even with Googling it?
Spoiler: You can’t! Nobody’s studying this! You have no way of knowing. You can Google the number of hairs on the average human head for comparison, and you’ll find it’s about 10 times that number. It’s plausible! And now that it’s been written, it’s Googlable. Suck our typically hairy balls, the truth.
See how easy that was? It’s actually not hard at all to lie on the internet, even in a way that sounds really believable. Reddit proved that when user EthanMango asked r/AskReddit, “What’s the most realistic fake fact you can come up with?”