40 Times That Celebrities Were Busted for Lying
Buying and renting a private jet are two totally different things

Dearest celebrities,
Your lives are already interesting enough as is. Countless magazines, TV shows and online publications are fully dedicated to your day-to-day lives, so you don’t have to spice things up with tall tales and full-blown fibs. A simple trip to the grocery store is all you need for your attention fix.
Thank you for your time. Have a great, truthful day.
50 Cent

Ben Affleck

Jennifer Lawrence

Todd Latourrette

Tyrese Gibson

Tori Spelling

Steve Rannazzisi

Vin Diesel


Terrence Howard

Jada Pinkett Smith

Meghan Markle

Jason Momoa

Michael O’Keefe

Matt Damon

Mads Mikkelsen

Betty Thomas

Ren & Stimpy

Laurence Fishburne

Matt Stone and Trey Parker

Werner Herzog

Ben Hardy

Joaquin Phoenix

Brian Dennehy

The White Stripes

Rick Ross

Lindsay Lohan

Jim Morrison

Scott Thompson


Bill O’Reilly

Manti Te’o

Robin Thicke

Mila Kunis

Khloe Kardashian

P. Diddy

Eddie Redmayne

Miley Cyrus

Justin Bieber

Paris Hilton