38 Random Bits of Comic Book Trivia We Shook Out of Some Middle-Aged Man's Ponytail at Comic-Con

Facts that really jump off the page
38 Random Bits of Comic Book Trivia We Shook Out of Some Middle-Aged Man's Ponytail at Comic-Con

A comic book nerd is a fact-finders best friend. They start spouting comic book facts without us even having to ask. For this list, all we had to do was walk into a Comic-Con with our voice recorder on, and the facts started rolling in. We sent the file to the fine folks who add the pictures, and this big ol batch of awesomeness is now ready for consumption!

Why cant every list be this easy?

Asbestos Lady

ASBESTOS LADY FROM OUT OF THE PAST! THE LOVELY, LETHAL CA ASBESTOS YOU S в LADY! GRACKED.COM It was 1947... They didn't know. Fantastic Four's Human Torch needed a villain, so Marvel created chemist gone crazy, Victoria Murdock, who created a fireproof suit out of asbestos. Years later, she died of idiopathic mesothelioma... From asbestos exposure.

The Iceberg Lounge

The Iceberg Lounge wasn't just something made up for the TV show Gotham. It showed up in a 1995 comic, and it marked the point where the Penguin turned from a slapsticky, harmless bad guy to a dangerous supervillain. CRACKED.COM

The First Avenger

Captain America: The First Avenger CRACKED.COM THE COMIC THE MOVIE Cap socks Hitler in his fascist face on the cover of his first comic, 1941's Captain America #1. The scene is faithfully recreated in the film as part of Cap's propaganda routine to promote war bonds.


The black suit Superman wears in Justice League wasn't chosen accidentally. In the comics, he wears it after he gets back to life-so, in the movie, it's what he wears after he comes back too. CRACKED.COM

Deadpool 2

In Deadpool 2, Deadpool's angst about committing suicide is from the comics. Не gets pissed off all the time in the comics at the fact that he's suicidal but can't actually kill himself (due to his healing factor). CRACKED.COM

Bill Hader and Seth Meyers

COMEDY NERD CRACKED.COM Bill Hader and Seth Meyers got down with Spidey. In a quasi-parody of Batman's classic Long Halloween series, Hader and Myers tell the tale of Spider-Man getting mixed up with a regular dude dressed as the webslinger for Halloween. Oh, those wacky mistaken identity stories!

Patton Oswalt’s Comic

COMEDY NERD CRACKED.COM Patton Oswalt spies on the Justice League. DC JLA TOTTHE WELCOME SK US WORKING WEEK ITak . A OSHOLT Ths ON GLKASTM ALAM THEWATCH A kid (obviously a stand-in for Oswalt) beams aboard the JLA satellite to escape an alien invasion and basically snoops on the League for a week. It's a fan's eye view of what it might be like to hang with the world's mightiest superheroes.

Arm-Fall-Off Boy

ARM-FALL-OFF BOY --AND TRANSFORM IT MY POWER WILL ASTOUND YOU! OBSERVE INTO A DEADLY WEAPON! AS I DETACH MY LIMB-- DIE, VILLIAN! HA-YAAAA! PLORP KRAK GRACKED.COM I will rip my arm off and beat you with it! In DC's Pre-Zero Hour Universe, Arm-Fall-Off Boy got rejected from The Legion of Superheroes, cus yeah, his only ability is using his own arms as weapons. Suicide Squad's The Detachable Kid is a hilarious riff on it.

Secret Wars (Again)

CRACKED.COM spider Man Animated secret wars Long before the MCU opened up the Multiverse, Spider-Man was fighting against a god-like being as well as Hulk, X-Men and dozens of villains in this adaptation of Secret Wars.


SKATEMAN SHALF CRACKED.COMP TRIKS Ooh, an angry racist in roller skates! Widely regarded as the world's worst comic book, Neal Adams' Skateman #1 dropped in 1983, and gave us a martial arts expert and Vietnam vet in roller skates who hurled racial slurs at his young Latino sidekick, Paco.

Michael Jackson

He almost owned Marvel HNER CRACKED He nearly teamed up with Stan Lee to purchase Marvel, and was particularly interested in the film rights to Spider-Man. Lee is pretty sure Jackson wanted to actually play the lead role.

Source: Comics Alliance


MARVEL AND DC COMICS ARE TRYING TO TRADEMARK THE WORD SUPERHERO. The comic book giants sued Graham Jules, a British entrepreneur, because the title

The Incredible Hulk

38 Random Bits of Comic Book Trivia We Shook Out of Some Middle-Aged Man's Ponytail at Comic-Con

Civil War

38 Random Bits of Comic Book Trivia We Shook Out of Some Middle-Aged Man's Ponytail at Comic-Con

Thor: Ragnarok


The Avengers

Stan Lee created the Avengers because that was the easiest way to get a comic book out in time. AVENGERS The art on Daredevil #1 was running't late, a

The Comics Code

A DRUG-THEMED SPIDER-MAN COMIC PERMANENTLY CHANGED THE COMICS CODE. VERBAL ABUSE YOU'RE SO OF CHILDREN! PRETTY... I HATE YOU! CRACKED COM Starting in 1954, the Comics Code banned certain topics from appearing in comic books, like drugs. In 1970, Stan Lee was contacted by the government to make an anti-drug PSA with Spider-Man, and Lee assumed the code wouldn't have an issue with it. The Comics Code Authority refused to approve the comic, so Marvel released it without the Code's stamp of approval on the cover. The comic sold fine, so the Code decided to make a bunch of changes

Secret Wars

Marvel Comics' 1984 Secret Wars comic book series was a milestone in comic book history for being a huge crossover of Marvel's heroes and villains. It


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