40 Random Bits of Trivia About the Universe You’ll Be Glad to Know Before Your Next Trip to Space

Black holes are somehow even freakier than they sound
40 Random Bits of Trivia About the Universe You’ll Be Glad to Know Before Your Next Trip to Space

Can we all stop to appreciate the Universe right now? Its a fact-finders dream come true. Not only does it encompass everything that we find facts about, but since it’s ever-expanding, it always continues to give us more things to find facts about! Its the gift that keeps on giving.

Here are a few existing facts, but please come back later for the expansion pack…

Sky of Ghosts

SKY FULL OF GHOSTS CRACKED.COM In 1802, William Herschel discovered that a telescope is like a time machine. The sun's light takes just over 8 mins to reach us, so when we look at the sun, we see it as it was 8 mins ago. Не stated, Some stars are so far away that by the time their light reaches Earth, they are already dead. We see their light, but their bodies perished long ago.

The Earth’s Core

TIME IS DIFFERENT IN THE EARTH'S CORE The Earth's core is 2.5 years younger than the surface because of time dilation. It sounds like something from Star Trek, but it's true. CRACKED

One With the Universe

WE ARE ONE WITH THE UNIVERSE CRACKED.COM Many of the atoms we're made of, like the calcium in our bones and the iron in our blood, were born in the heart of an exploding star billions of years ago. All of the hydrogen atoms in us are as old as the universe itself, formed in the Big Bang 13.7 billion years ago.

Neutron Stars

NEUTRON STARS CRACKED.COM When a massive star explodes, its scrunched up core forms a neutron star, which is so dense that just a teaspoon of it would weigh more than Mt. Everest. The star's explosion can spin the neutron star to speeds up to 600 rotations per second.

Time in Space

ASTRONAUTS ARE YOUNGER THAN PEOPLE THE SAME AGE Astronauts on the ISS experience a slight slowing of their aging compared to people on Earth, because of the way gravity and speed affect the passing of time. CRACKED

One Million Earths

The sun is as big as one million earths. Solar image by - Beady It also accounts for 99.8% of our solar system's mass. CRACKED.COM


The Random Transiter

One of the most mysterious stars in the galaxies the The Random Transiter. CRACKED.COM it has 28 equal plan- et-sized objects orbiting it in random ways. The Ке- pler planet-hunter space- craft observed this star for 87 days during the second- ary K2 part of its mission.



18 Amazing People Too Many Of Us Haven't Heard Of - This Greek astronomer was the first person to present a model of the solar system, with the Sun at
Source: Nature

The Big Splat

The Big Splat What if the Big Bang was actually a Big Splat of two colliding universes? Some cosmologists believe that our ever-expanding universe could expand right into another expanding universe, generating enough energy to create a whole new universe. CRACKED.COM

The Darkest Planet

The darkest planet ever discovered absorbs nearly all of the light that touches it. CRACKED.COM Our Milky Way is home to the darkest planet ever discovered, a distant, Jupiter-sized gas giant named TrES-2b. It reflects less than 1% of the sunlight falling on it, making it blacker than coal or any planet or moon in our solar system.


The Surface Temperature of Venus

HOTTEST PLANET GRACKED.COM Even though Venus is twice as far from the sun as Mercury, it is 62 degrees с hotter. The surface temperature is hot enough to melt lead, regularly hitting 870 degrees F (465 degrees C) making Venus the hottest planet in our Solar System. And those temps don't even drop at night!


The Sun is only one among 300 sextillion stars. Our solar system revolves around the incredibly insignificant star that's one in 300,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. And those are just the estimated stars in the observable universe. CRACKED.COM

Source: PMC


if you were born on venus you'd celebrate your finst birthday before you were even a day old. Venus is the slowest rotating planet in the solar system

Black Holes


Dark Matter

74% DARK ENERGY 22% DARK MATTER .6% INTERGALACTIC GAS 0.4% STARS. ETC. The whole universe as we know it, with all of its galaxies and billions of star


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