40 Random Bits of Pop-Culture Trivia We Picked Up From the Side of the Road on Bulk Garbage Night

Touch of paint and can of Raid, these things will be good as new!
40 Random Bits of Pop-Culture Trivia We Picked Up From the Side of the Road on Bulk Garbage Night

Troop Beverly Hills

Carla Gugino said she was 14. TROOP BEVERLY HILLS CRACKEDCON The 16-year-old pretended to be a couple years younger No big deal, right? When she later

Isle of Dogs

In Isle Of Dogs, some scenes have vivid colors, while others are washed out. That's because... Dogs are COLORBLIND. Dogs see mostly shades Of blue or

Matthew McConaughey

Matthew McConaughey was hired by a country club in Texas to set up sand traps in a golf course. Не was later given a gun to shoot armadillos when those critters began eating the grass at the golf course. GRAGKED.COM


Plan 9 From Outer Space

40 Random Bits of Pop-Culture Trivia We Picked Up From the Side of the Road on Bulk Garbage Night

The Brady Bunch

THE BRADY BUNCH The Bradys' back door has no glass. Producers needed to avoid glare, SO they the old glasses-with-no-lenses trick.

Winona Ryder

I was acting when I yoinked that merch! CRACKEDC Winona Ryder was long ago caught shoplifting about $5k worth of swag from Saks Fifth Avenue, and at one point argued she was merely method acting in preparation for an upcoming role.

Source: EW

Clearasil Ads

MARK RUFFALO ZAPPED ZITS IN AN 'os CLEARASIL AD. He plays a young guy running through an alleyway before realizing in horror that his face is full of


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