40 Astonishing Scientific Findings That You Don’t Have to Be A Complete Nerd to Appreciate

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40 Astonishing Scientific Findings That You Don’t Have to Be A Complete Nerd to Appreciate

Like a true random fact-lover at parties, science never stops hitting us with interesting info. It can’t help itself. Scientists all over the world are always making wildly interesting discoveries. For instance, they recently learned that cephalopods have been around for over half a billion years. That’s millions of years before trees existed. 

These awesome scientific truth-seekers are always helping us make parties way more interesting. 

Right, guys? Guys? Hmm, guess they all went to get another drink.

Brain Cells

Some human brain cells increase activity after death CRACKED.COM Scientists discovered glial cells in our brains grow for many hours after we die.

Tiger Sharks

Tiger sharks are older than we previously thought CRACKED.COM Scientists thought the sharks were 5.8 million years old but recently 13.8 million-year-old fossil teeth were identified.

Ancient Settlements

The discovery of the oldest human village rewrote our history. The discovery of the an- cient village of Karahan Тере has demonstrated that hunter-gatherers were building permanent settle- ments long before agricul- ture became popular around 10,000 years ago. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW



Photosynthesis might be as old as life nght oxygen carbon dioxide GRAGKED.COM The earliest bacteria on Earth had tools to perform an important part of photosynthesis, which may lead to a new understanding of the evolution of life.


Social interaction can help prevent sugar and cigarette cravings CRACKED.COM Well, at least it can in rats. Social isolation triggered sugar and nicotine cravings in rats, but the cravings were reversed when rats were able to hang out with their rat friends.


Cyberbullies are more likely to have an internet addiction IDIOT! 50 LOSER 66 HATE U 76 !@#$%#@ GRACKED.COM Being male, being more addicted to the internet, and spending more hours online all contribute to being more likely to be a cyberbully.


Cephalopods have been around for 522 million years. GRACKED.COM New fossils indicate that cephalopods (whose modern descendants include squids and octopuses) may be 30 million years older than previously thought.


You walk slower with a partner. CRACKED.COM Your partner is probably holding you back, walking-wise. If you're holding hands, you walk even slower.


Human brains grow to have 3x as many neurons as chimps and apes GRAGKED.COM Scientists recently discovered a key molecular switch that can make the difference in the growth.


Woolly mammoths and humans may have overlapped in New England CRACKED.COM From a mammoth rib fragment found in now-Vermont, scientists suspect humans and wolly mammoths may have both arrived to New England around 12,800 years ago.


Becoming radicalized is often triggered by negative life events FAFO ND PROUD BOY CRACKED.COM Friends and social groups can help prevent radicalization to extreme ideologies through intervention.

The Gender Gap

The gender gap in negotiation emerges in eight-year-olds CRACKED.COM Consistent with adult research, girls asked for less than boys when negotiating with a man, starting as early as eight-years-old.

The Pandemic

1 in 5 Americans didn't seek medical treatment they needed during the pandemic CRACKED.COM And it's not surprising why: cost. Nearly 20% of Americans didn't receive needed medical care because they couldn't afford it.


Video games might help with surgical skills training. CRACKED.COM Although it doesn't replace first-hand experience, video games may help surgeons-in-training practice motions used in surgery.


Lightning bolts help clean the atmosphere GRACKED.COM Lightning produce hydroxyl radical that breaks down molecules, including the greenhouse gas methane.


Cheating is more emotional than you may think CRACKED.COM In one study, 62.8% of cheaters had affection towards the new partner. Those who said they were less emotionally connected to their primary partner expressed more emotional intimacy with the new one.


Tyrannosaurs may have been social, like wolves. CRACKED.COM The carnivores may have hunted with social strategy, as wolf packs do.


Male lyrebirds deceive females into mating GRACKED.COM Some lyrebirds will imitiate the alarm calls of birds spotting a predator when a potential mate is about to leave, scaring her into staying with him to mate.


Gesturing while learning helps you understand better CRACKED.COM New research shows that spontaneous hand movements can help students remember information better.

Stem Cells

Scientists were able to repair spinal cords with patients' own stem cells CRACKED.COM In one test group, half of patients with spinal cord injuries saw substantial improvement after receiving stem cell injections.


Being authentic on social media will make you happier CRACKED.COM People who display their authentic, not idealized, self online report greater levels of life satisfaction.


Coral reefs prevent flooding. CRACKED.COM One study showed that coral reefs are responsible for preventing $5.3 billion in U.S. property damage.


Humans are wired to hear joyful screams better GRACKED.COM Researchers discovered screams of excitement are processed by the brain quicker and with more sensitivity than screams of horror.


Scientists have developed human-monkey embryos. CRACKED.COM Human stem cells were injected into primate embryos and grew up to 20 days, giving us the possibility of more insight into development and evolution.

Sea Sponges

Sea sponges can creep CRACKED.COM Sea sponges, previously thought immobile, can crawl slowly but they have to sacrifice bits of their bodies

Gender Identity

Same-sex couples don't influence their child's gender identity There is no major difference in the gender identity development of children raised by same-sex parents compared to those adopted by different-sex couples. CRACKED.COM


As much as 1.7% of the population is intersex One definition for intersex is people who have innate sex characteristics that don't fit medical and social norms for female or male bodies. CRACKED.COM


The majority of LGBT Americans identify as bisexual 54.6% of LGBT Americans identify as bisexual, compared to 24.5% as gay, 11.7% as lesbian, and 11.3% as transgender. CRACKED.COM

Eye Color

Eye color genetics are more complicated than we thought CRACKED.COM Move over, Punnett Squares. Scientists have discovered over 50 new genes for eye color.

Early Animals

The earliest animals didn't have heads or skeletons CRACKED.COM All modern animals, including humans, share genes with the 555-million-year-old oceanic creatures.


Squids can change their skin's color and brightness CRACKED.COM Scientists discovered light-reflecting cells that allow squids to shimmer, mimicking the ocean's dappled light.


Older women's health may be tied to their partner's health CRACKED.COM Because caregiving responsibilities often fall on women, a woman is more likely to also be in poor health if her partner is.


The fat-tailed dwarf lemur is our closest hibernating relative CRACKED.COM This year, the lemur went into hibernation for the first time in captivity and so far it appears to be a success.


Reading makes you better at... math? SOCM 1,3,5,7,9,11,13.15,17 + A 3 Aa 6 6+0=6 2 I В EST + 2- 7 a2+b2=C2 OH 15-2=13 RCM 10x3=30 Ff 09 LIM b 10+13=23 SCM A 12 cm O O &h on 7x2=14 OH 5x3=15 C ccco ZI Qull 32 CRACKED.COM 6cm JAMBL 12 cm AC2 The part of your brain that is responsible for being able to read is also used during previously considered unrelated activities, like multiplication.


A single head injury may increase your risk of dementia CRACKED.COM A single head injury increases your risk of dementia later in life, while more injuries increase that risk.


It snows plastic CRACKED.COM Thanks to plastics in antifreeze products, there are minute particles of plastics in snow and rain.


Even if you don't believe conspiracy theories, they influence you CRACKED.COM Just being confronted with conspiracies is enough to affect our behavior, regardless of our actual belief.


Scientists grew tear glands in a dish and made them cry CRACKED.COM Using human stem cells, scientists were able to grow tear glands and induce tear production. This is great news for people with tear gland disorders.


Mars' ocean water may still be there CRACKED.COM A new NASA study proposes that water on Mars didn't disappear into space, as previously believed, but might be trapped within minerals in the planet's crust.


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