40 Regal Bits of Trivia About Past and Present Royal Dynasties

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40 Regal Bits of Trivia About Past and Present Royal Dynasties

If you’re not seeing the words on these images, it sadly means that the facts didn’t deem you worthy enough to read them. To spare yourself the possible embarrassment, maybe put on your finest evening wear and freshen up a bit before scrolling down. 

For this wealth of royal knowledge, the effort will be well worth it.

Royal Bees

The royal bees have been informed of Queen Elizabeth Il's passing. CRACKED.COM The Royal Beekeeper had the uncomfortable job of bringing the news to the hive, and presumably had to calm the buzzing insects and clarify it wasn't *their* queen that died.


King George V

King George V's time of death wAs chosen for its PR value. When George lay dying in 1936, the royal family wanted the morning journals, not the lower-

The Iron Throne

They invited Queen Elizabeth II to sit on the Iron Throne, but she refused. She visited the Northern Ireland set and they offered to let her sit on the Throne -- but she's not allowed to sit on a foreign throne, so she couldn't. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM

Source: Esquire

Saudi Arabian Royals

Saudi Arabia's royal family has a net worth of $1.4 trillion. CRACKED.COM This makes the family roughly 16 times as wealthy as the British royal family, which has a net worth of $88 billion.


Princess Diana’s Revenge Dress

Princess Diana's revenge dress was sold for $65,000 Diana put the stunning dress she wore after Prince Charles admitted adultery up for auction, with the money going up towards cancer and AIDS-related charities. CRACKED.COM

Source: People

King Cannibal II

CRACKED.COM King Charles II drank human skulls King Charles II paid a lot of money to drink a tincture called The King's Drops. Made from human skulls from Ireland, the cannibalistic alcohol mixture was thought to be medicinal.

Source: Gizmodo

A Cashless Family

Until recently, members of the British Royal Family didn't carry any cash with them. It was a centuries-long tradition, apparently kept alive out of fear of germs. Prince William was the first Royal who started carrying cash. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM

Source: Yahoo

Prince Charles and Princess Diana’s Sister

Prince Charles dated Princess Diana's sister first Lady Sarah McCorquodale, her older sister, introduced the couple, saying, I introduced them. I'm Cupid. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED COM

Source: The Guardian

The Royal African Company

The British monarchy directly funded and profited from slave trade. The Royal African Company, founded by King Charles I, brought more enslaved African people to the Americas than any other institution. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED COM

Source: Slate

Marvel’s X-Statix

40 Regal Bits of Trivia About Past and Present Royal Dynasties


Oktoberfest didn't start out as a huge beer festival in Munich. It started out as a royal wedding between Prince Ludwig and Princess Therese in 1870.


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