40 Regal Bits of Trivia About Past and Present Royal Dynasties
Please stand. The line of Royal facts has just entered the room

If you’re not seeing the words on these images, it sadly means that the facts didn’t deem you worthy enough to read them. To spare yourself the possible embarrassment, maybe put on your finest evening wear and freshen up a bit before scrolling down.
For this wealth of royal knowledge, the effort will be well worth it.
Royal Bees

Royal Etiquette

Japanese Emporers

King George V


The Iron Throne

Source: Esquire
Saudi Arabian Royals

Princess Diana’s Revenge Dress

Source: People
The Habsburgs

Royal Underwear


The Queen

Source: British Legion
The Tudors

Prince Harry

The Ming Dynasty

Queen Victoria

King Charles

King Cannibal II

Source: Gizmodo
Prince Philip’s Racism

Source: The Guardian
Royal Winters

Source: CBS News

The Western Zhou Dynasty

Buckingham Palace

Source: The Guardian
Providing An Heir

Princess Diana

Margot Robbie

A Cashless Family

Source: Yahoo

Queen Elizabeth I

Source: National Portrait Gallery
Royal Wedding Guest

Source: Manchester Evening News
Bush Dweller

Source: Insider
The Never King

Source: Town and Country Magazine
Prince Philip

Prince Charles and Princess Diana’s Sister

Source: The Guardian
Looted Artifacts

Source: The Guardian
The Royal African Company

Source: Slate
Queen Elizabeth II

Source: Royal.uk, National WW2 Museum
Marvel’s X-Statix


Nazi Sympathizers