37 Fraudsters and White-Collar Swindlers Who Deserve to Have Their Tennis Privileges Revoked in Their Swanky Minimum-Security ‘Prisons’

Hopefully these sleazebags didn’t get you too!
37 Fraudsters and White-Collar Swindlers Who Deserve to Have Their Tennis Privileges Revoked in Their Swanky Minimum-Security ‘Prisons’

We’re proud to say that, so far, we’ve never fallen victim to some shady scam artist. You never know, though. Some new money-siphoning trickery might be just around the corner. Gotta keep your head on a swivel. These dastardly devils got the best of some nice non-swivel-headed folks, but we’re owls out here! 

Take it elsewhere, you crooks!

Beanie Babies

The creator of Beanie Babies was charged with tax fraud. The billionaire creator Ty Warner had to pay a $100,000 fine but no jail time (?!) for hiding millions of dollars. CRACKED.COM

The Driveway Scam

In the UK, There's a driveway disinfection scam. It works like this: A gang shows up unannounced to disinfect your driveway, then they charge you a

Uma Thurman’s Financial Advisor

Uma Thurman F6 sued 146661 C her former financial advisor HE H @ EMOC VE998402I DEAE HA05572 She lost over $2 million to Kenneth Starr's Ponzi scheme.

The Nigerian Prince Scam

The Nigerian Prince has been around for 200 years. Rich people randomly offering you big bucks if you help them out of trouble was already a scam genre in the early 19th century. Later, in the 1890s, scammers got to claiming in their letters that they were prisoners of the Spanish- American war, earning the scheme the name the Spanish prisoner. - - as VIS DE - - - CRACKED.COM


Robert Hendy-Freegard

CRACKED ROBERT HENDY-FREEGARD This 34-year old car salesman tricked seven people into thinking he was a secret agent for MI5. Не made them run away from supposed terrorists, stole from them, and made them beg and borrow money to pay for his fancy lifestyle.


A Totally Fake Hedge Fund as a Wedding Present

Kim Kardashian's ex-husband got scammed by his wedding guest. Kris Humphries lost hundreds of thousands of dollars in a scam that involved a totally fake hedge fund by one Andrey C. Hicks. CRACKED.COM

Source: US Magazine

The Warren Buffett Scam

Crypto Scams THE WARREN BUFFETT SCAM In 2022, a fake Facebook page called Tina's Finance posted a photo of billionaire Warren Buffett holding a big bitcoin logo that looked like a medallion. It was a trick to get people to join a crypto scam network. CRACKED

Ponzi Schemes

In 2020, the amount of money in Ponzi schemes was at a 10-year high. TH S CARA S In DOLLARS - CICA RITAVAL S 350 S 811 CREAM TV S Year 1 I S BO INTERASED ET LID S - S un S CASH S TIP MILE viertee ML | : - University FL42546314 217 - 112 REES FREE 1 I SCADE ٤٦٦ e I - de 625463 - - 5 I E I 217 S CASH $ 1 BO 5 2475945237 S NBI CASH $ The boom happened because the stock market grew like crazy and because a ton

The Paypal Scam

Crypto Scams B THE PAYPAL Pay SCAM In 2023, a 79-year-old was tricked out of $79,500 by a crypto scammer using PayPal. The scam relied on fear, guilt, and all sorts of other tactics to take advantage of the victim's lack of computer knowledge. CRACKED

Billionaire Boys Club

Billionaire Boys Club was a Ponzi scheme started in 1983 by young boys from rich families. CRACKED.COM Money contributed by in- vestors was spent support- ing lavish lifestyles. When funds ran short in 1984, club members turned to murder & at least two peo- ple were killed as they tried to raise more money.


Virginia Woolf

Virginia Woolf and some friends wore fake beards and costumes to scam being Abyssinian princes in order to take a tour of a British dreadnought. The r

Job Scams

Newly laid off workers are being taken in by an online job scam. The company deposits $4,900 in your account (awesome!) then instructs you to send a r
Source: ABC


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