36 Random Bits of Nostalgia That Could Snuggle Up to Us on A Big Wooden Door Instead of Sinking Into the Icy Ocean of Time

We’ll never let go
36 Random Bits of Nostalgia That Could Snuggle Up to Us on A Big Wooden Door Instead of Sinking Into the Icy Ocean of Time

These gems make us feel like those salty old dawgs reliving their glory days on the gridiron, but maybe that’s okay. Why would we dim our own nostalgia-relishing light? We need to turn these guilty pleasures into full-blown pleasures. They gave us great joy back then, and there’s no reason why that joy needs to stay in the past. 

So you youngins can eye-roll us oldies all you want, but we’re bringing these back with the biggest guilt-free smiles on our weathered faces!

Wayne’s World

The Bohemian Rhapsody opening sequence of Wayne's World was an instant pop culture hit and managed to revive the classic Queen single... ...but the

Cereal Box Toys

60'S - 80'S Playable records Boo Berry PIODI Arp The Frankenberry Count Monsters Choute A 33% RPM Go Disco FULE FOFTY NSTRUICDIONS 4AAR BACC TO CRACKED INLLNLL CONI tonng: YO They actually managed to print music onto the glossy back of a cardboard cereal box, which you could cut out and spin on a

Malcolm in the Middle

A Little House on the Prairie Actor Created Malcom in the Middle. MALC IN THe LM MIDDLe Linwood Boomer, who played Mary Ingalls' husband, based the character of Malcom on himself as a kid. CRACKED.COM


Beverly Hills, 90210

Beverly Hills 90210 spanned the decade, airing from 1990 - 2000. 1000 1002 100.4 1005 100g In one than fell that 1998 dooms it 1997 1998 1997 1999 1999 1990 pioneered the teen soap 096 1995 drama and spawned a 1992 1993 small army of copycats. 1991 CRACKED.COM NOW YOU KNOW: THE '90s



The Fifth Element's spaceship parasites are Boglins, rubber toys from the 1980s. An experienced movie creature and prop designer wanted to use his ski

The Andy Griffith Show

The Andy Griffith Show CRACKED.COM The world was introduced to Andy Griffith in an episode of The Danny Thomas Show. Thomas takes time off from being a good comedian and terrible father to get arrested in the small town of Mayberry.


G.I. Joe

In the 1980s, the struggling HASBRO toy company released a new action figure for its GIJOE line. The new character SNAKE EYES was clad completely in BLACK because Hasbro couldn't afford COLORED PAINT. CRACKED.COM

The Reminiscence Bump

CRACKED CON THERE'S A REASON OLDER PEOPLE WAX NOSTALGIC FOR THE GOOD OL'DAYS. iipreco The reminiscence bump is a phenomenon where people over 40 can r

Finding New Music

After I played a '90s hit to a decade younger friend, he, very seriously, asked me: WILD SMITH MIAM How out did you find about music in new those day


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