40 Random Bits of Pop-Culture Trivia the Doctor Said Not to Mix With Any Other Types of Trivia
If you even look at a math equation, you could wind up in the hospital

Christian Bale saved Adam McKay through the magic of method acting.
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John Krasinski

Source: Office Ladies
Batman: Arkham City

Fear the Walking Dead

Santa Claus


Ringo Starr

The Beatles

Source: BeatlesBible

Source: People
Toy Story 3

Game of Thrones


Source: Now You Know! 13 Facts About Movies And General Trivia To Un-Bore You
Winnie the Pooh

Melissa McCarthy

Paul Walker

The Mummy Returns


Source: DVD Deleted Scenes
Christian Bale

Source: Deadline
Ernest Hemingway

Kate Upton

Mr. Deeds

Avengers: Infinity War

Drew Carey

Five Point Palm Exploding Heart

The Matrix

Tony Bennett

Animal House


Get Schwifty

Last Action Hero

Source: HuffPost
Jamie Foxx

Stranger Things


Kill Bill

Young Astronauts

Dr. Seuss


Mr. Show

Will Smith

Ron Howard

Source: Deadline
The Shape of Water