40 Random Bits of Pop-Culture Trivia We Spent Untold Billions on After ‘The Onion’ Wouldn’t Let Us Buy Their Credibility in the Meme Scene
If at first you don’t succeed, buy, buy again

That book from the opening sequence of Elf? That thing weighed 70 pounds!
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Nicolas Cage

Jon Favreau

28 Days Later


Source: Mashed
Thor: The Dark World

Sean Penn

Source: People.com
Wayne’s World

Source: Screen Rant
Lil Nas X


The Exorcist

Source: 14 Behind The Scenes Facts About Your Favorite Horror Movies

Jesse James

20th Century Studios
The X-Files

Source: 21 Movie And TV Brilliant Foreshadowing Moments (That Get Missed)
The Conjuring 2

OK Computer

Source: 13 Movies, Science, And History Now-You-Know Fascinating Facts
The Suicide Squad

Source: CBR
The Office

Source: 16 Plot Holes In 'The Office'
Metal Man

Jim Carrey

Source: Entertainment Weekly

The Blair Witch Project

QR Codes

Forever Headstone
John Belushi

Dairy Queen

Marlboro Man

Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher


Conan O’Brien

Alan Rickman

Autistic Movie Characters

Amanda Seyfried

Steve Aoki

Stay Puft Marshmallow Man

Elizabeth Taylor

Mario Tennis

Ferris Bueller: The Sitcom

The Thing

Julia Roberts

