21 Things We Can't Believe You Can Legally Own

‘A flamethrower’
21 Things We Can't Believe You Can Legally Own

There are advantages and drawbacks to living in the good old U.S. of A. Sure, our social safety net has whale-size holes, but you can get a giant box of any kind of cereal you want at any time of the day or night. The gun violence situation is pretty intense, but at least the taxes are moderate. We’re probably going to destroy the planet with our car-centric infrastructure, but you can own a flamethrower.

In fact, thanks to worryingly lax federal regulations and toothless local laws, there’s all kinds of stuff you absolutely shouldn’t be able to buy that’s only a click away, thanks to the cry of the bald eagle. This reality is no doubt what inspired user TimeTravelingMouse to ask r/AskReddit, “What’s the craziest item that is legal to own?”

pikkdogs 6y ago I owned a Bat'leth for a while. Seemed strange.
turnxnxburn 6y ago Wolf hybrids in some states... They're not pets people
Commonsbisa 6y ago In Texas you can own a tiger.
southernvegabond 6y ago Kangaroos in south Carolina
accountofyawaworht 6y ago Plutonium. You can buy it on Amazon.
 6y ago A guy in my old hometown has a WW2 deactivated cannon in his backyard, and it's pointed at Russia.
The-Deadly-One 6y ago A tank. The best means of transportation when going on a date.
IAmSpinda 6y ago If you meet certain criteria, its possible to legaly own a grenade launcher in some states.
Can_Of_Worms 6y ago A hand grenade. After you pay the $200 tax.
Wild_Gringo 6y ago A cannon, trebuchet, or catapult. As long as they fit within zoning laws, there is no permit required to own medieval artillery
TheBerric 6y ago A flame thrower. That could do some fucking damage in a public place. Especially since napalm sticks to your skin
AJSSPACEPLACE 6y ago A tommy gun registered before 1986 can be bought legally in many states. Keep in mind that's registered, not built. If it was built before; but not registered until after 1986 then it's illegal
Vangidion 6y ago In Maryland, USA, a human skeleton, so long as it was once used for medical study purposes. There is an oddities shop in Baltimore that sells that sort of thing. Really cool stuff in there.
Phantom_61 6y ago Thermite. It burns but does not explode and is legal to make and own (in the US at least). Pretty damn crazy for something that once ignited tends to burn though pretty much anything it touches.
OozeNAahz 6y ago I believe there are a few fighter jets in private hands. I believe a Mig 23 was part of the Thunder over Louisville air show/fireworks show the last time I was there (1997). I have even heard a few still have working guns and could do strafing runs on private land legally.
aomimezura 6y ago I just learned about the .950 JDJ. A hand sized bullet and a gun that's too heavy to carry, is powerful enough to take down a plane (comparable energy to a 20mm autocannon used on navy ships), a single round costs $40, and its totally legal because they got it classified as a sporting rifle. I thought the .700 nitro express was nuts.
kazeespada 6y ago 105mm Howitzer. With the right permits and fees, you can own a gun capable of firing a shot over 6 miles. However, getting the explosive ammunition is a whole other process. Solid projectiles and blanks can be made by yourself. Fun fact: The Howitzers in the Funeral Scene used Evian water bottles to make the blanks. They were the right size to fit into a 105 shell, and the water ensures the gun gets the cool recoil everyone loves.
puppehplicity 6y ago My dad has some castor bean seeds, because he likes the plant for decoration in our garden. Got a ziploc bag with a couple handfuls of the dried seeds in the basement so that he can replant each spring. Of course, castor bean seeds contain ricin, which is an incredibly lethal toxin. Four to eight seeds can kill an adult. Or you can derive pure ricin from them... remember that ricin capsule from Breaking Bad? Pretty potent stuff. Pure ricin is illegal of course but just having the seeds is a-ok.
 6y ago Many, many drugs (yes, in the US) that are literally just analogs of other immensely popular drugs such as LSD are legal in loopholes to own for research purposes. Granted they're technically in gray areas because of the US Federal Analogue Act, but nobody has been prosecuted for things such as 1p-Isd so far.
Magnetobama 6y ago Edited 6y ago In Germany, you need to do a test and obtain a license to drive cars, trucks, motorbikes, boats, planes, helicopters, basically any machine with an engine, but you don't need anything if you build and use your own submarine. There is no law to regulate the possession and usage of those. You can drive and dive wherever you want. EDIT: Apparently you need a motorboat license to drive above water. However, you still can dive wherever you want and drive under water without a license. There are no regulations for operating submerged vehicles.
shleppenwolf 6y ago A welding torch, a plastic trash bag and a rifle. DO NOT light up the torch, adjust it for a balanced welding flame, then put it out by tapping it on a hard surface. Then DO NOT inflate the bag with it and seal it off. Then DO NOT shoot it with a high-velocity (i.e., supersonic) round (typically after sunset when there's just enough light to shoot by). The DO NOTs are courtesy of an acquaintance who took a while to grow his eyebrows back...


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