22 Huge Problems Science Is Thiiis Close to Solving

Humanity’s quality of life has improved exponentially in the blink of an eye, historically speaking, and that’s largely due to breakthroughs in science. Like, even 200 years ago, you would have died multiple times just on your morning walk to the train. Step on a nail? Dead. Touch something someone else touched? Dead. Get on a train? Dead.
That makes it easy to think that we’ve reached the pinnacle of human innovation, but 200 years from now — or possibly even 100 or 50 or 10 — people are going to look back at this time with as much headshaking bemusement as we regard Victorian times. Once people can grow back their bad teeth, cure every disease and buy infinite battery power, they’re going to wonder aloud how we lived like this. That’s why user skunkspinner asked r/AskReddit, “What scientific breakthrough are we closer to than most people realize?”