20 Things Everyone Mistakenly Thinks Are in the Bible

That’s not what ‘speaking in tongues’ means
20 Things Everyone Mistakenly Thinks Are in the Bible

Despite what the War on Christmas types would have you believe, the Christian population is bigger than ever. Maybe it’s the obvious harbingers of end times pushing people toward conversion or those TikTok tradwives pumping out new members by the dozen or good old-fashioned spiritual awakening. Whatever the case, people are more psyched about Jesus than ever.

But accepting Jesus Christ as your lord and savior ain’t easy, largely because you have some onerous assigned reading ahead of you. The Bible is thick, densely written and not exactly a nail-biter. It’s no surprise, then, that a lot of people just kind of skim it, resulting in some huge misconceptions about exactly what’s in it — and what’s not. That’s why user LoneShark81 asked r/AskReddit, “What do people pretend is in the Bible but is absolutely not in the Bible?”

el_muerte17 Зу ago This, too, shall pass isn't in the Bible at all.
urbannoangeldecay 3y ago Praying to saints or Mary
 Зу ago Angels that look like people with bird wings
valiheimking Зу ago The forbidden fruit being an apple
SOURYAGAJONG 3y ago Jesus did not say that he is god or that he should be worshipped in any version of the bible.
orion_sunrider 3y ago That Satan is the warden of hell. He's actually a prisoner
 Зу ago That Satan is in any way in charge of torture in hell.
Pixxel_Wizzard 3y ago That money is the root of all evil. The correct quote is actually the *love* of money.
maruffin Зу ago The levels of hell. Dante wrote about his journey through hell. The levels are not biblical.
Pythia007 3y ago That Jesus said anything about children suffering. Suffer the children to come unto me means to allow them.
Howdydobe Зу ago That you should beat your kids. Spare the rod, spare the child the rod is the hooked stick that a Shepard used GUIDE sheep back to the flock.
Weirdguy149 Зу ago Edited Зу ago Since it's close to Christmas time: there weren't three wise men, just three gifts. No one knows how many wise men went.
rosegamm 3y ago That the devil is some scary-looking red demon with horns. The Bible literally talks about him being the most handsome man in existence, such that people easily fall victim to his wants/desires.
JaeCryme 3y ago Abortion. The only reference to abortion in the Bible is HOW TO PERFORM ONE. No lie. If your wife has been unfaithful, give her the bitter water (recipe included) and keep your bloodline clean.
CRUSTYDOGTAINT Зу ago That speaking in tongues is an incoherent heavenly language. Speaking in tongues is actually the speaking of a language not previously known to the speaker (See 1 Corinthians 14). Pentecostal churches are known for yelling that unusual gibberish, but it's actually not Biblically supported.
aume3 3y ago God helps those who help themselves, that actually comes from the Greek myths, Aesop's fable Hercules and the Waggoner. where a guy was having trouble with a muddy road and was praying Hercules for help, Hercules appeared and told him how to help himself, the moral being thee gods help those who help themselves.
XxsquirrelxX Зу ago Those hacks that preach the prosperity gospel convince thousands that having lots of money means that God likes you. There is absolutely nothing in the Bible suggesting that God will give wealth to people he likes. In fact, Jesus himself said it's easier for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to get into heaven when telling a rich man that if he really wants to go to heaven he should give up his earthly belongings.
Magnus_40 Зу ago That Noah took two of each animal into the Ark. Не took 14: 7 male and 7 female of clean creatures and only a pair of unclean animals. Gen 7:2 Of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee by sevens, the male and his female: and of beasts that are not clean by two, the male and his female. Give that he sacrificed one of each of the clean animals that would be quite a facepalm if he only had a pair.
israfilled Зу ago That Mary Magdalene was a prostitue. A pope conflated her with Mary of Bethany and an unnamed sinful woman, because he didn't like the fact that a woman was important to Jesus and wanted to discredit her.
Magnus_40 3y ago Edited 3y ago Neither a borrower nor a lender be I have had a minister 'quote' that to me as a Bible quote. It's from Hamlet.


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