20 Things Everyone Mistakenly Thinks Are in the Bible

Despite what the War on Christmas types would have you believe, the Christian population is bigger than ever. Maybe it’s the obvious harbingers of end times pushing people toward conversion or those TikTok tradwives pumping out new members by the dozen or good old-fashioned spiritual awakening. Whatever the case, people are more psyched about Jesus than ever.
But accepting Jesus Christ as your lord and savior ain’t easy, largely because you have some onerous assigned reading ahead of you. The Bible is thick, densely written and not exactly a nail-biter. It’s no surprise, then, that a lot of people just kind of skim it, resulting in some huge misconceptions about exactly what’s in it — and what’s not. That’s why user LoneShark81 asked r/AskReddit, “What do people pretend is in the Bible but is absolutely not in the Bible?”