20 Facts That Will Turn Your Brain Inside Out

‘Hydrogen starts to wonder where it came from’
20 Facts That Will Turn Your Brain Inside Out

The world is a weird, wild place, and we don’t even know how much. We’ve only explored an infinitesimal fraction of a percent of it; even most of our own oceans are complete question marks to us. Of all the stuff we do know is there, we can only sense a limited spectrum of it. Reality might look like a rave thrown by Salvador Dalí to a creature who could perceive all of it, and we’d never know.

It’s a real brain trip, and just the kind of thing user killrage wanted when they posted to r/AskReddit. “I’m talking about ‘poop my pants, jaw droppingly, this changes everything’ kinda stuff,” they wrote. “Could be anything; sad, scary, funny. I want all the things!” 

They then asked, “Reddit, what is the craziest fact that you know?” and as requested, Reddit proceeded to provide all sorts of poop-my-pants, jaw-droppingly, this-changes-everything kinda stuff.

 12y ago Every piece of literature that you have ever read is a permutation of 26 letters.
Raymond- 12y ago The word bed looks like a bed.
notmeanttobehere . 12y ago The universe has no edge
NuclearSpy 12y ago There is a skeleton inside each and every one of us.
schmozbi 12y ago 1 Million seconds is 11 days 1 Billion seconds is 31 years !
DeanMarais 12y ago A piece of floating dust is halfway between the size of the earth and a proton.
baballard 12y ago The last time the Cubs won the world series, the Ottoman Empire was still a thing.
Onyxjack12 12y ago . Edited 12y ago Given enough time, hydrogen starts to wonder where it came from, and where it is going.
WaveformKilla . 12y ago Edited 12y ago Putting a giant mirror out 1 light year away from earth, being able to see 2 years into the past.
amysplat 12y ago That we are either the only living beings in the universe or we are not. Crazy both ways you think about it.
tupungato 12y ago When the oldest person on Earth was born, there was a completely different set of people on Earth. Every single one of them.
awcooper 12y ago Edited 12y ago Infinity. The idea that there are as many numbers between 0 and 1 as there are between -infinity and +infinity.
DisappointedBanana 12y ago Edited 12y ago If a woman has only male children, she is the first in an unbroken line of women going back to origin of humans to not have a daughter. The reverse is true with fathers having only daughters.
 12y ago Do you know about the eye's blind spot? yeah. that's right, there is a spot, to the lower right/left of each eye that is blind.
 12y ago You don't see the things you see. you see the light that the things you see reflect. Our eyes cannot detect every kind of light on the spectrum, so reality probably looks far different than we perceive.
leonale 12y ago If the Sun was the size of a white blood cell swimming through your veins, the Milky Way would be the size of the continental US. Really puts into perspective just how small we are.
fishstickuffs 12y ago The year 1990 is closer chronologically to the moon landing than it is to today. Credit to whoever posted that shocker on a similar reddit thread almost a year ago. Made me stop in my tracks when I read that.
bubsrich 12y ago Edited 12y ago You never actually touch anything. What you feel when you touch is actually the atoms pushing off of each other due to having the same charges. They never actually make contact. Edit: People are freaking out over my word usage so I will define what I mean. When I said this I was just explaining that you are not making direct contact with anything. Saying that, I disagree with the users who say that touch loses its meaning when used in my statement. Touch, like many English words, can have different meaning, in a
Shawnessy 12y ago A week or so ago I saw a guy say something along the lines of, Blind people don't see black, or white, they see nothing. I can't fucking. What does nothing. Look. Fuck.
NorthStarZero 12y ago Take a song, or a picture; a book or a video. Encode it digitally. You wind up with a stream of on and off; zeros and ones. But this can also be conceptualized as a single, very large binary number which can in turn be converted to a decimal number - whose nature is that of a coordinate on the number line. It's a point. That song you like? It's a point. As You Like It? That's a point. You could, in theory, brute-force search the entire number line and see every piece of art that could ever be


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