40 Rare Times in This Day and Age That We Read a Little Good News

Extra, extra! A carpenter from Iowa worked tirelessly to send 33 strangers to college!
40 Rare Times in This Day and Age That We Read a Little Good News

We thought you could use a little newsworthy palate cleanser, so we handpicked the more positive, heartwarming stories for you. Its a little disheartening that it takes some work to cherry-pick the good news out of an endless amount of disaster coverage. Conflict seems to put butts in the seats, but like any good dramedy, sometimes you need a fun little tension relief. 

Let this list be the relief you need.

Benny Bucks

A kind stranger in Salem known only as 'Benny' has been hiding $100 notes all around stores, markets, and public events for people to discover. 100 4. 100 ONE BINDHED DOLLARS FEDERAL RESERVE 1 NOTE UNITED STATES ©FAMERICA LB 70845124 F TERITE NOTE PAUS Mile AND HANDLA PEANUT HD B2 COO 101 Buy LB70845124F Tom F People's la Lea - عنادي Benny has donated over $50,000 in the course of two years. His act of philanthropy has also inspired some recipients of the 'Benny' notes to donate the money to those in need. CRACKED COM


In Portugal, it's now illegal for your boss to text you after work hours. The new law was apparently voted on as a response to the boom in remote work thanks to the pandemic. CRACKED.COM

Dale Schroeder

A carpenter from lowa worked for 67 years and saved $3 million. All of it was used to send 33 strangers to college. ED Dale Schroeder grew up poor and never got the chance to go to college. Не didn't have a wife or kids, so before he died in 2005, he went to his lawyer and told him how he wanted his savings to be used. The kids he helped, called Dale's kids, are now professionals. CRACKED.COM


Reneita Smith, a Maryland bus driver, rescued all twenty of the children on her bus when it spontaneously caught fire on the road. GRACKED.COM


A teenager went to get her matted hair shaved off for picture day because she was severely depressed and had stopped brushing it. Instead, the hairdresser spent 13 hours reviving it, after which the girl left happy, saying she felt like herself again and promising to smile for her yearbook photo. CRACKED COM


A joint British/Chinese study found the physical source for depression in the brain. This knowledge could enable new treatments for depression in the future. CRACKED.COM


The Pennsylvania Hockey team, The Hershey Bears, held their annual Teddy Bear Toss for fans to donate stuffed animals by tossing them on the ice. SEASON A GROUP TOYOTA TICKET INFORM Call SM The fans brought more than CRACKED.COM 45,000 stuffed animals of all shapes and sizes. The toss halted the game for almost an hour.


A science teacher partly regained her sight thanks to a camera and brain implant. She was blind, but can now see letters and the edges of objects, and even play a Maggie Simpson video game. She's had zero complications in six months. CRACKED.COM

Second-Grade Kindness

A second-grade class in Topeka, Kansas, emptied out their piggy banks to raise $450 for surgery and foster care for Ryker, a homeless, six-month- old Australian shepherd with a broken leg. The kids 12cm L had just finished reading Sheepdog in the Snow- a book about a girl who rescues an abandoned sheepdog with a broken leg. CRACKED.COM

Stacey Abrams

Stacey Abrams' PAC erased $212 million of medical debt for 108,000 people. The truly lucky winners live in Arizona, Georgia, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Alabama, covering a pretty big area. CRACKED.COM

Michael J. Fox

Michael J Fox has raised $1 billion to cure Parkinson's, and he's still going. That's how much his foundation has raised, and he said, I just want to get this done. I'm committed to this. I won't stop until it happens. CRACKED.COM

ICU Nurse

An ICU nurse adopted a patient with autism SO he could get a life-saving heart transplant. ICU nurse Lori Woods met Jonathan Pinkard in her hospital. Being homeless, he had no support system for his post-transplant care, which made him ineligible for the surgery. When she adopted him, he became became eligible, and got his surgery, a new home, and a new family. CRACKED COM

Humpback Whales

It looks like humpback whales are coming back to the Salish Sea after a while. 21 humpback whale calves were seen in the Salish Sea, which is huge considering that's a species that was endangered until recently. CRACKED.COM


A Florida restaurant chain solved its labor shortage by ... paying more. More pay and greater benefits helped Pollo Tropical get its staffing levels back to normal - a move other employers will, hopefully, copy. CRACKED.COM

John Deere

John Deere workers recently fought for, and won, a ten percent raise. IIII44240 JOHN That's the result of a month-long strike by over 10,000 workers - the first strike at the company since 1986. CRACKED.COM

Mental Health

Albuquerque is now much better equipped to help mentally ill people. Instead of just dispatching police, 911 can now dispatch behavioral health responders who can help any mentally ill people that might need it. CRACKED.COM


Turns out that monarch butterflies are gradually starting to return to California. Their population recently reached a record low, but numbers are now slowly trickling back upward. CRACKED.COM


We're working on saving cranes from extinction with, uh, innovative rice farming. Rice farmers in Cambodia agreed to leave 5% of their crop unharvested, so that cranes could eat it. CRACKED.COM


You can now buy shoes that turn into an apple tree once you're done with them. They contain an apple seed and a compound that attracts microbes which dissolve the shoe when it's buried, releasing the seed. CRACKED.COM

The Great Barrier Reef

Apparently, the Great Barrier Reef is having a massive coral spawning event. This birthing event is really good news, as it means the Reef is recovering from coral bleaching. CRACKED.COM

The Four-Day Workweek

A company in the UK reduced its workweek to four days, but didn't cut pay. And that move affected all of the 430 workers at Atom Bank, a digital-only bank. CRACKED.COM

The Amazon

Turns out, Amazonian manatees are apparently starting to slowly recover. They were hunted intensively between the '30s and '50s, but their numbers now seem to be rising again. CRACKED.COM


Veterans who want service dogs to help with PTSD will have an easier time. It's thanks to a new law that requires the Department of Veterans Affairs to include veterans with PTSD in its service dog referral program. CRACKED.COM


There's a 99-year-old cyclist who's won a silver medal in a global competition. To get second place among the 5,000 people competing, he cycled 2,348 miles in 26 days. CRACKED.COM


A jet powered totally by plant-based fuel flew from Madison, WI from Chicago, IL. UNITED ............ It was a United Airlines jet, and it was filled with passengers, making the flight an aviation first. CRACKED.COM


A plastic surgeon in India performed 37,000 surgeris on kids 100% for free. The surgeries were cleft lip corrections, which allowed the lucky kids who got them to finally be able to smile. CRACKED.COM


NYC now has safe illegal drug use sites, which are exactly what the name says. BONY 8:00 IND COMOS ¡FRIDAYS They're the first such sites in the US, and they let people use drugs under supervision and without the possibility of arrest. CRACKED.COM


A Princeton research team struck a big blow in the fight against cancer. They've finally managed to disable a gene that drives the spread of cancers beyond their original site, making them way easier to deal with. CRACKED.COM


A looted ancient Gilgamesh tablet was ceremonially returned to Iraq. (illustration) The tablet is 3,500 years old, and was taken from an Iraqi museum about 30 years ago and taken to the US - and finally got officially returned. CRACKED.COM


At Yale, they've created an mRNA-based vaccine against Lyme disease (carried by ticks). The vaccine targets antigens from tick saliva - which is going to both prevent ticks from feeding the way they'd like to, and alert people to bites. CRACKED.COM

Michael Sheen

Michael Sheen has sold his houses and become, he says, a not-for-profit actor. Не gave the proceeds from his house sales to charity, and also plans to use his acting income to fund charities. CRACKED.COM


Russia's truly awful whale jail has now officially become a thing of the past. It was exactly what you probably think - it held about 100 whales in cramped conditions, and now it got closed down. CRACKED.COM


Same-sex marriages have now officially become legal in the country of Chile. Until recently, same-sex couples could live together in a civil union - but now, after a 21-8 vote in the Senate, same-sex marriages are fully legal. CRACKED.COM


A McD's employee jumped through a drive-thru window to save someone from choking. The teenager saw that a woman was choking on a chicken nugget, so she hopped through the window to save her. CRACKED.COM

Claudette Colvin

Claudette Colvin, who refused to give up her bus seat to a White person, is in the clear. That happened 66 years ago, and she got arrested, and now-finally-her juvenile record has been expunged. CRACKED.COM


Apparently, we can control COW farts with seaweed, which could save the planet. 36246 Seaweed is pretty healthy for cattle in general, but researchers have also found that feeding seaweed to cattle would reduce greenhouse gases by as high as 40%, apparently. CRACKED.COM

Brain Therapy

A new brain therapy is having revolutionary success against depression. It's developed at Stanford and involves stimulating a brain with a magnetic field, and it can deliver great results in just a few days of treatment. CRACKED.COM


It looks like fish can recover very quickly from mercury contamination. That's the finding of a 15-year study of an experimental lake - lowering mercury pollution caused mercury levels in fish to drop in just a few years. CRACKED.COM


A formerly homeless man put up 17,500 Christmas lights for charity. Не put them up on his house, and he did it all to raise money for the homeless hostel where he'd stayed a decade and a half ago. CRACKED.COM

The EU

Same-sex partners and their kids will be recognized as family in the EU. CVRIA COUR DE JUSTICE DE L'UNION EUROPÉENNE That's the ruling of the European Court of Justice, and all EU member states will have to recognize them as such. CRACKED.COM


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