40 Bizarre Bits of Historical Trivia That Were Surgically Removed From Your Textbooks

Your history book’s most interesting set of CliffsNotes
40 Bizarre Bits of Historical Trivia That Were Surgically Removed From Your Textbooks

Saving you time and sparing you boredom are two of our most proud accomplishments. The thought of you flipping through some thick, dusty old history book is soul-crushing, so we did it for you. Every time a seriously fun fact popped up, we jotted it down and moved on. Little by little, we gathered up an entire lists worth, and were excited to present it to you now.


Timur was Great Khan of Persia in the 1300s. And the day Russians excavated his tomb, Russia was hit with the most brutal invasion of WWIl. Timur's to

The Great Plague

Q: How did Grim we come to depict the Reaper with a scythe? A: The Great Plague happened. Where: Asia and Europe When: mid-1300s Death toll estimation

Trick or Treating

40 Bizarre Bits of Historical Trivia That Were Surgically Removed From Your Textbooks

The National Archives

The National Archives started out as a two man committee to determine which executive papers weren't important. CRACKED.COM The Committee on Dispo- sition of Useless Executive Papers was started in 1889 and its job was to discard papers both members agreed weren't important and report why.



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