45 Myths That We Busted Like Unicorn-Shaped Piñatas Then Scrambled to Gather Their Sweet, Sweet Truthy Innards

These myths were in our rage room and we busted ‘em real good!
45 Myths That We Busted Like Unicorn-Shaped Piñatas Then Scrambled to Gather Their Sweet, Sweet Truthy Innards

If professional baseball teams can have a bat boy, then why cant we? Do you know how many times myths have gone unbusted because we were too busy looking for the office bat? How are we expected to do our myth-busting jobs properly if were not given the tools to succeed? We need a big ol collection of bats in the center of the office, and a full-time bat boy to hustle on over every time one is needed.

The Cracked higher-ups better pony up the dough if they want results!


MYTH: FInGeRPRINTS ARE ALL sUper unique. FAGT8 THEY'RE ACTUALLY WORRYINGLY SIMILAR. Your fingerprints aren't all that unique - -relatives will have ma

The Color of Blood

MYTH: THE BLOOD LEAVING YOUR HEART IS BLUE. FAGT8 IT'S ACTUALLY DARKER RED. The myth that deoxygenated blood is blue comes from the fact that through

Transgender People

THE MYTH Transgender people make up a third gender. THE FACT Transgender people explicitly identify as male or female. They aren't part of a third gen

Connecticut’s Nickname

Myth: Connecticut is nicknamed the Constitution State because the Constitution was signed there. WRONG. Connecticut got its nickname from the state'


MYTH: ALWAYS COOK PORK UnTL I'S SWELL-DONE. FACT8 PORK IS MUCH SAFER THAN you THINK. The myth that undercooked pork is swimming with worms is left ove

Red Wine

MYTH: RED wine GOES WITH RED MEAT, And WHITE GOES WITH FISH. FAGT8 IT DepENDS on THE FLAVORS. Wine experts have conducted scientific studies, and they


MYTH: DRINK COFFEE TO SOBER UP. FACTE COFFEE JusT MAKes you An ALERT DRuNK. Coffee is a stimulant, while alcohol is a depressant. The caffeine will ma


MYTH: You cAn BEAT A BREATHALYZERT TEST. 0.052 Matcohawe: FACT8 BREATHALYZERS ARE UNFAKEABLE. All the fake-outs, from eating mustard to burping to hyp


Myth: Madagascar is all jungle and primitive tribes. Reality: It has a thriving economy with its own airlines, 5 star hotels, and shopping malls. The


MYTH Siberia is a frozen wasteland. REALITY Parts of Siberia have beautiful summers. Novosibirsk reached 87.80F (31C) last June. CRACKED COM


Women's self defense tips are well meaning, but So many focus on being attacked by strangers... 70% when in actuality, of homicide victims are familia

Joan of Arc

When people think of Joan of Arc being burned at the stake it's usually for the crime of being a witch. In actuality she was burned alive for wearing


England is such a rainy place. In actuality, D Average millimeters per vear English Zurich cities 1048 Leeds 1.024 don't see more Naples 1.008 rainf


CRACKED ALL VIKINGS WORE HORNED HELMETS Actuallys the misconception came from a painter who had drawn the Vikings with horned helmets. He was inspir

Roman Orgies

CRACKED ROMAN ORGIES It's a common misconception that the Ancient Romans were into orgies, but there's no proof of any kind of organized group sex in Roman literature.

Spartan Soldiers

CRACKED SPARTANS AS ANCIENT SUPER-SOLDIERS. It's a common misconception that Spartans were the best warriors in ancient Greece. In fact, there's no proof that they were particularly good at fighting in the Archaic period. Their fame mainly comes from their victory at the Battle of Thermopylae.

The Polish Cavalry

CRACKED POLISH CAVALRY CHARGING NAZI TANKS A common misconception is that Polish lancers regularly charged at German tanks during WWII. This was actually just propaganda from Nazi and Soviet sources, and probably comes from a battle on the first day of the German invasion.

Palm Trees

CRACKED PALM TREES ARE NATIVE TO L.A. It's a common misconception that palm trees are from Los Angeles. In reality, most of the palm trees in L.A. were brought in from other places and planted to make the city more beautiful and attract more people. OPEN L L CAS SP CE TV HOLTYWC adidas VEN MYUVILU Sterlias 2 -


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