20 ‘Unrealistic’ Parts of Movies That Are Actually Accurate

‘Walking through the house in the dark’
20 ‘Unrealistic’ Parts of Movies That Are Actually Accurate

Everyone loves to harp on about how movies aren’t like real life, especially when you want to climb the Burj Khalifa. “Tom Cruise devotes years of his life to learning how to climb the Burj Khalifa,” they say. “He does it in the presence of millions of dollars worth of safety coordinators. Also, we’re not his doctors or anything, but he’s very likely mentally ill. It’s gotta be a sickness at this point, right? And there’s that whole Scientology thing.” 

So annoying.

But some parts of movies that seem unrealistic are actually pretty accurate. Even the ones you’re certain are bullshit, from final girls somehow surviving multiple stab wounds to detectives commanding techs to “zoom and enhance,” have a kernel of truth. They were all popped when user fpau asked r/AskReddit, “What is something everyone thinks all movies get wrong but is actually realistic?”

brufleth 10y ago Helicopters really are that easy to shoot down.
Fuddsworth 10y ago Actors moving the steering wheel way too much when driving a moving truck. They absolutely take quite a bit of wheel moving to keep under control
 10y ago When u hear the police cars do the burnouts in the movie and it always has that same sound. That sound actually happens if you do a burnout in a crown vic
dabokii 10y ago How young people fall in instant love in a I would die for this person sort of way a la Twilight, Romeo and Juliet etc.
ForceBlade 10y ago Edited 10y ago If you're dealing with /fucking idiots/ you really can type in a few words and gain root access if their password is shit enough and publicly accessible
Forgottenlobster 10y ago Don't really have any examples from experience, but apparently the silencers on guns in movies sound very realistic... saw it a few weeks ago on Mythbusters.
TacticusPrime 10y ago I always thought the ricochet sound that bullets make in movies was made up. Until my uncle took me out to his bomb range and I fired a 9mm for the first time. Surreal.
GeniDoi 10y ago Movies that involve shooting guns underwater/in space are completely scientifically correct, guns work in both scenarios because modern gunpowder has an oxidizer added to it so it doesn't need air to burn.
wowhowfun 10y ago I always use to think that when people got their heads cut off in movies that it looked extremely fake. (Don't get me wrong some movies they do) after watching a few beheading videos I realized they look very similar.
FuckyouGrant 10y ago The Wilhem Scream is not a joke and people do actually scream that way when they think they're about to die. Source: I am easily frightened
RoseNight83 10y ago Grown women having pajama sleep-overs and eating ice-cream out of the container while whining about relationships and gossiping about our friends. This not only happens a lot but is also great fun! Or is that just me ^...
iamtheilluminati 10y ago Walking through the house with the lights off. I do it all the time. But obviously if you don't know theres a alien/monster/ghost hiding in the house, you wouldn't necessarily feel the need to turn on every single light along the way.
tormented_mentor 10y ago The number of times that reasonably (looking) successful people are able to hang out at a bar, drinking beer all evening after work. Truth: stressed out, borderline alcoholic grad student who can still do readings/grade papers/get up in time for an early(ish) class the next morning after slamming down beers for several hours after 12 hours working on research reports+gym
Tennesseej 10y ago You actually can enhance images a bit. It is often exaggerated in movies and TV, but there are techniques to gain resolution beyond the native resolution of an image. For instance, you can see parking lot lines from the satellite images on Google Earth, even though the resolution of those images is lower than the width of a parking lot line.
 10y ago That military snipers do amazing shit with bolt action rifles. In fact, good military snipers do better than amazing shit with bolt action rifles. Case in point, in 2010, a UK sniper took out two Taliban in two consecutive shots from nearly 2.5 KM (over 1.5 miles)... and then shot the machine gun they had been carrying to disable it. Those rounds travelled 3x the speed of sound and still took over 2 seconds to arrive, so it's possible that the second shot was in the air before the first hit.
FOR AustralianBattleDog 10y ago I was in a literary criticism discussion once, and multiple people tried to claim that ultrasound being unable to penetrate Bella's stone vampire uterus was unrealistic, since solid objects carry sound better. Except, solid, rigid objects are actually a pain in the ass to deal with, causing a phenomenon called acoustic shadowing. Bone and calcified plaque are the worst offenders. What happens is you'll see a bright white outline at the surface of the object, and nothing but black below. The rigid object reflects too well and doesn't let anything past. Best ultrasounds are done on
Freevoulous 10y ago Edited 8y ago In many, if not all slasher movies, the killer stabs the victim multiple times, and she/he is still able to crawl or scream. Victims or villains alike, no matter how many times shot/stabbed/chainsawed still manage to stand up and attack someone from behind. TRUTH: as any paramedic/trauma doctor will tell you, humans can and often do survive multiple nominally fatal stab wounds, or being hacked at with a machete/axe, or even headshots. Human body can be amazingly durable, especially when propped up with a high dose of adrenaline and badass.
PlasticBinary 10y ago When someone is running, trying to not get crushed by a huge rolling rock, (or an alien spaceship on planet LV 223), he keeps running along the rock/spaceship path, and doesn't just jump on the side. Changing your route means that you let the giant rock come a little closer to you, and I think any of us would need a few seconds of running to actually decide to do it.
maxout2142 10y ago In contemporary war films when the audience sees laser effects from the gun fire. Those are tracers and yes they comment come in red and green.
emz98 10y ago We're learning that people who get infected by a serious sickness (ex. some zombie had the munchies and believed your arm was a Cheeto) actually don't tell anyone they've become infected.


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