20 ‘Unrealistic’ Parts of Movies That Are Actually Accurate

Everyone loves to harp on about how movies aren’t like real life, especially when you want to climb the Burj Khalifa. “Tom Cruise devotes years of his life to learning how to climb the Burj Khalifa,” they say. “He does it in the presence of millions of dollars worth of safety coordinators. Also, we’re not his doctors or anything, but he’s very likely mentally ill. It’s gotta be a sickness at this point, right? And there’s that whole Scientology thing.”
So annoying.
But some parts of movies that seem unrealistic are actually pretty accurate. Even the ones you’re certain are bullshit, from final girls somehow surviving multiple stab wounds to detectives commanding techs to “zoom and enhance,” have a kernel of truth. They were all popped when user fpau asked r/AskReddit, “What is something everyone thinks all movies get wrong but is actually realistic?”