26 Lesser-Known Scandals Ripe for the Documentary Treatment

Thanks to a perfect storm of societal factors, we’re living in a golden age of documentaries. We’ve never been more hungry for stories of crime, scams and scandals, and streaming services are just as hungry for low-budget (i.e., unscripted) content. It seems like every other week, someone is blowing the lid off a decades-cold case or ruining our childhoods by detailing the perversions of the Weinerville guy.
Has that happened yet? Well, it’s definitely coming, right?
Redditor Ninac4116 has some ideas for what else is coming soon to a “Recently Added” bar near you. “I’m surprised there isn’t a documentary on the quackery behind chiropractics (sic),” they told r/AskReddit. “It was literally invented by a man hearing what a ghost said to him. Google that.” They then asked, “What’s an ‘open secret’ that doesn’t have a documentary about it yet?”
Their fellow Redditors certainly had no problem blabbing about the secrets they’d like to know more about.