20 Documents Declassified by the CIA That People Can Hardly Believe

Listen, we know it sounds conspiratorial, but it’s simply a fact of modern times that the government is up to some shady shit. This isn’t a baseless opinion espoused by your most divorced uncle at Christmas dinner, when everybody should be appreciating the sick rolls you baked instead of being as weird as possible. He may be wrong about a lot of things, but the federal aid and abetting of extraterrestrial beings isn’t one of them. Okay, maybe not that exact thing, but if it was, we wouldn’t know about it for decades.
How do we know? Because the CIA has declassified countless documents in its lifetime, and they are the twistiest, most inverted roller coasters you will ever ride. In fact, some of them are so wild that they seem unbelievable even to Reddit, and those people will believe just about anything. They were recounted when user sceneybeanie asked r/AskReddit, “What are the craziest declassified CIA documents?”