40 Random Bits of Nostalgia to Help Inspire Those Nerds at Time Travel Inc. to Finally Finish That Machine Already!

Set that time machine prototype to the not-so-distant past!
40 Random Bits of Nostalgia to Help Inspire Those Nerds at Time Travel Inc. to Finally Finish That Machine Already!

You know whats great about an unfinished time machine? If we get sent back a few decades, its okay if were not able to come back! It was a simpler time. Well, probably because we were children without a care in the world. As adults, wed have to get an apartment and start paying bills, but at least we could sport frosted tips without fear of judgement! 

Not to mention, we could see Nirvana live and buy a ton of Apple stock!

VHS Tapes

Some people still think VHS is cool, especially younger generations who are into the nostalgia of it. PINOCCHIO The ALICE MEONAN WONDERLAND ELTS PeterPan Bambi FANTASIA Aladdin BAMBI ETURN JAFAR THE LION KING Winnie the Pooh Was Disney - - Professo POIN Tube POCAHONTAS FINDING NEMO Fox PINAL RESCUERS Hound Jungle Book Beauty EBeast des كتاج Sword Store RCULES 1110-16 HITU CRACKED.COM Snow White Target and Disney no are selling products that evoke VHS culture, and used tapes can be found easily on sites like eBay and Amazon Marketplace.


EMINEM COLLECTS CASSETTES The rapper collects all the cassette tapes he couldn't afford when he was a kid.


40 Random Bits of Nostalgia to Help Inspire Those Nerds at Time Travel Inc. to Finally Finish That Machine Already!

CD Cases

CD cases Remember lugging around this party suitcase with 300 little slots for your CDs? Now, with apps like Apple Music and Spotify, we have every song we could ever want right there on our phones. @ CRACKED.COM

Columbia House

TELL US NOW: BRILLIANT LOOPHOLES OLUMBIA OUSE CRACKED Melissa B. fondly recalls what was basically the opposite of a Ponzi scheme: Columbia House CD club. I don't even know how many times I cancelled and restarted my membership to get the free CDs.


Napster helped fuel Spotify's success. The Max Reauto 100 Find # Clear Feide Advanced>> Filename Ditrate Free Length Uper Connection Ping Munic Wetalca The Unforgiven mp3 2.1135% 128 44100 215 Cable E The Thing That Should Not Be Metalca covedapp 6,463,892 128 44100 $40 Unknown . Incompleter Metalica -The Unforgiven.np3 299.000 128 44100 0.24 10m256 - % 80 . Music'Matalca Made of Puppetsup3 8,268,331 120 44100 $30 weekest Cable No Leal 0.237 056 192 44100 5:41 Cable obung 100 MusicMatalca Enter Sandman.up3 5.312.512 120 44100 5:30 Unknown ide 100 Ebe Matters mp3 44100 6:25 Unknown jdbs HE Metalica The Untogiven 5 mg3 44100 $:22 RedCX DSL


Let's face it. myspace.com Seanh Googke Canadi Home MA (97) Profile Friends Music Video More, Free Lite My Account Sign out Free Layouts 4 MySpace Fce

The Dixie Chicks

THE DIXIE CHICKS SLAM GEORGE W. BUSH. GRACKED In 2003, radio stations pulled their music and fans were outraged after they said We do not want this war, this violence, and we're ashamed that the president is from Texas. Much worse is said about the current and recent presidents daily.

John Cena

John Cena was in a bunch of early 2000s movies just to promote WWE. © ME Every second I was on one of those movie sets, I wanted to be back in WWE, he says of movies like 12 Rounds, Fred: The Movie, and Legendary. CRACKED.COM

Vanessa Carlton

CRACKED VANESSA CARLTON WAS THE QUEEN OF 2002. Her hit single A Thousand Miles and its music video made her world-famous. It remained in the Billboard Top Ten for 41 weeks, went double platinum and charted worldwide. No other song came close.

Sir Ian McKellen

CRACKED Sir lan McKellen was Gandalf and Magneto. Between 2000 and 2006, he starred in the Lord of the Rings trilogy and the original X-Men trilogy. Between 2012 and 2014, he reprised his role as Gandalf in The Hobbit trilogy, and Magneto in X-Men: Days of Future Past.

Avril Lavigne

This singer had some monster hits in the 2000s. Usually she wears a bit more eye makeup. It's Avril Lavigne.


The original title for Scream was Scary Movie. CRACKED.COM The 1996 horror film would be parodied in 2000s Scary Movie, starring Anna Faris and Marlon Wayans.

Ethan Suplee


Buffy the Vampire Slayer

CRACKED GOOGLE AS A VERB. Google existed before Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but the show was the first to use the word as a verb in 2002. Willow asks Xander, Have you googled her yet? Googling someone as a quick background check quickly caught on.

‘90s Kids

Identifying as a 90s kid CRACKEDCONT Teens (understandably) hate our '9Os nostalgia (since it's the early aughts that are now back in style)

Best Week Ever

VA2A BEST In the early 2000s, WEEK Best Week Ever Evehe featured pop culture observations by some future comic superstars. Including John Mulaney, Mel

Car Stereos


‘90s TV

Q. Why did 90s kids' shows have forced educational messages? The Children's Television Act of 1990 ordered the FCC to regulate that children's programming be educational and informational in the United States, although it was difficult to enforce. CRACKED

Sports Cards

Collectible Bubbles B JO I terps 00 topes a A Sports cards - The worth of a lot of collectibles from the '80s and '90s, like sports cards, has gone way down since it was at its highest in the early '90s. So much for pop culture ephemera as investment vehicles. CRACKED

The Nutty Professor

TELL US NOW. ... David с. says the '90s Nutty Professor was the perfect remake. They updated the '50s white movie into a '90s urban comedy. Waaaaay better. And I love Jerry Lewis, but Eddie knocked it out of the park. CRACKED.COM

The Rachel

If there was one cut that defined the '90s, 1990 92 1995 199 it was the Rachel. 1998 1999 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1995 1996 1997 1998 One way 1993 hairstylist 1994 estimates that 1999 40% of her mid-90s clients 1995 992 1993 wanted that Rachel look. 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 NOW YOU KNOW: THE '90s CRACKED.COM


Pogs were a rip-off of the Japanese game Menko. Menko's been popular since the 1600s, travelling to Hawaii when Japanese people imigrated in the early 20th century. CRACKED.COM

Chris Cornell

ICONIC '90s FRONTMEN SOUNDGARDEN Chris Cornell The Soundgarden and Audioslave frontman was a huge influence on Seattle's Grunge scene in the early '90s. Sadly, he took his own life at 52, on May 17, 2017. CRACKED

Comic Books

Collectible Bubbles NINE '90s comics Back in the '90s, X-Men #1, Superman #75, and Avengers #200 were wildly popular. Nowadays they're not worth much, because they were made in massive quantities and are pretty easy to get. CRACKED

The ‘90s

Some absolutely huge websites were 199 launched in the '90s. 1999 1948 1995 1994 1997 MAM 14.26 Sep 14:08 Tablet Alliage Beerbater Verlauf Fecabe - Associate the - m Schweler - Internal - منا Google Disney Google Deutschland Google home IMDb (1993), EBay (1995), Amazon (1994), GeoCities (1994), Netscape (1994), Yahoo! (1995), AltaVista (1995), ICQ (1996), Hotmail (1996), Google (1998), and Napster (1999). CRACKED.COM NOW YOU KNOW: THE '90s

Space Jam

EASTER EGGSTRA SPACE I AM Larry Johnson references his famous '90s commercial. Johnson featured in a series of Converse commercials titled Grandmama in the '90s. When the NBA players lose their skills to the Nerdlucks, Johnson remarks: My grandmother played better than I do. CRACKED.COM

Sylvester Stallone

Stallone jumped between Rocky and Rambo in the '80s. Between 1976 and 1990, he made 5 Rocky movies and 3 Rambo movies. Between 1982 and 1985, the first 2 Rambo movies dropped between Rocky III and IV.

Kids Movies

CRACKED YOU CAN'T MAKE DARK, DISTURBING MOVIES FOR KIDS ANYMORE. In the '80s, we had The Dark Crystal, The NeverEnding Story, Pee Wee's Big Adventure, and Gremlins before everything brightened up in the '90s. Back then, a ghost gave Ray oral in Ghostbusters and Batman was made by Tim Burton.


Amazing effects made without CGI Hook The island is a painting - and yet, the perspective subtly changes as Robin Williams blue-screen flies over it. This was done by slightly tilting the painting, and then returning it to an upright position. CRACKED.COM

The Goonies

EASTER EGGS IN '80S MOVIES The Goonies DO GREMLINS EXIST IN THE GOONIES UNIVERSE? The cop dismisses Chunk's call with, Just like that last prank about all those little creatures that multiply when you throw water on them? Both movies were written by Chris Columbus. CRACKED.COM

G.I. Joe

In the 1980s, the struggling HASBRO toy company released a new action figure for its GIJOE line. The new character SNAKE EYES was clad completely in BLACK because Hasbro couldn't afford COLORED PAINT. CRACKED.COM


Almost 1 of every 4 beds sold in the late '80s was a Waterbed. GRACKED.COM Waterbeds date all the way back to 3600 ВСЕ, when- Persians filled goat-skin mattresses with water warmed by the sun. Mod- ern waterbeds were de- signed for hospital ра- tients with bed sores.

‘80s Movies

Only 3 of the 15 highest grossing movies from the 1980s haven't been given a sequel, prequel or turned into a franchise. MAVE RICK CRACKED.COM Those movies are E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, Tootsie, and Rain Man. Top Gun Maverick is the latest 36-year-old sequel, which proved to be a worthwhile risk.

Wayne Gretzky

CRACKED WAYNE GRETZKY'S '80S WERE RECORD-BREAKING. Wayne Gretzky dominated the NHL in the 1980s, setting records for most points (2,857) and goals scored (894). HOWE 1850

Sour Patch Kids

SOUR PATCH KIDS were originally called Mars Men during the UFO craze in the 1970s. sou SOUR PATCH vids: BRE mareyLy The name change didn't happen un


1970s:1980s Video games NINTENDO IS AS OLD AS THE EIFFEL TOWER. 1889 Playing cards


A ASHION-MINDED FAN DESIGNED SUPERGIRL'S 1970S COSTUME. All through the '70s, Supergirl had a very '70s look, complete with plunging neckline, bishop sleeves, choker, and hot pants. The outfit was sent in in 1972 by reader John Sposato, and Supergirl wore it for ten years.

All My Children

CRACKEDCO COM In the 1970s, soap opera All My Children was incredibly popular among college students. Reasons varied some loved it because it was rea

Muscle Cars

The Last Jedi costume designer Michael Kaplan designed the Red Guard to look like 1970s muscle cars. CRACKED COM


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