20 Things Hollywood Gets Wrong (and Right) About America

When you think about it, it’s pretty weird that just one city makes movies for the entire world. Sure, every country has its own local film industry, but when it comes to blockbusters, chances are your average viewer from Sheboygan to Shanghai is watching something starring a Chris.
That means the entire world is getting American culture shoveled into their gullets alongside the popcorn. They could reasonably complain that one popular Japanese or French movie has left Americans with stereotypes about their countries, but it’s kind of hard to be mad when people get the wrong impressions about us when they see them every single day. On the other hand, there are aspects of American culture that are so unbelievable, foreign audiences assume they are Hollywood inventions.
To sort the fiction from the factual fiction, user wizkidtim asked r/AskReddit, “Americans, in your TV shows and movies, what parts of American culture are realistic and what parts are exaggerated?”