36 American-Made Reasons Why America Ain’t All It’s Cracked Up to Be

No imports here! Just good ol’ fashioned home-grown lunacy
36 American-Made Reasons Why America Ain’t All It’s Cracked Up to Be

It’s not all bad! There’s top-notch entertainment and great food in certain spots. Yes, there’s cringeworthy entertainment and mayo-slopped, unseasoned blandness in other spots, but that kind of proves our point. It’s a massive country with a massive amount of people. How could it be all good coast-to-coast? 

Today, we’ll focus on the bad (because dissing America sells), but maybe we’ll rock an eagle-soaring, Bud Light-soaked list for you patriots next week!

The Two-Party System

TWO PARTIES There are ten political parties represented in Israel's parliament, the Knesset. The Bundestag in Germany has six. Eleven in the Oireachta

Military Spending

CRACKED THE MILITARY SPENDS BILLIONS ON AIR CONDITIONING. In 2011, the U.S. government spent $20 billion on air conditioning in Iraq and Afghanistan. That was more than NASA's yearly budget.

The MM-DD-YY Date Format

dd-mm-yyyy dd-mm-yyyy and yyyy-mm-dd dd-mm-yyyy. mm-dd-yyyy. and yyyy-mm-dd yyyy-mm-dd mm-dd-yyyy mm-dd-yyyy and dd-mm-yyyy America is the only country in the world that relies solely on the MM-DD-YY date format, and only a few others consider it to be an option. CRACKED.COM

Cocaine Use

Individually, Americans use more cocaine than any other country. The percentage of users in America is only a tenth of a percent higher than Brazil, but Americans use 36% of the world's cocaine, compared to Brazil's 18%. CRACKED.COM


America incarcerates more of its citizens than Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, and Switzerland combined. x 2. The U.S. incarceration rate is 698 per 100,000 people. In Finland, it's 55 per 100,000. Sweden: 57 per 100,000. Denmark: 67 per 100,000. Norway: 75 per 100,000. Switzerland: 84 per 100,000. http://www.prisonstudies.org/highest-fo-lowest/ CRACKED.COM prison_population_rate?field_region_taxonomy_tid=Al

The Metric System

CRACKED COM There are currently three countries that do not use the metric system-Burma, Liberia, and the United States. 2 4 81 LI 10FEET 3m 4 3 Many U.S. industries have been slow to adopt the metric system, but it is becoming standard in certain areas of science, medicine, and government.

Lost Nukes

CRACKED THE U.S. GOVERNMENT ONCE LOST A 7,600 POUND NUCLEAR BOMB. They claim it never had a plutonium core, but other government documents suggest otherwise.

Sales Tax

When shopping in America, consumers end up paying more money than what's on the price tags because the tax is added at the checkout point. In the EU, tax and other additional costs must be added to the total value before any payment is made. Otherwise, consumers have a right to request a complete refund of the excess charges. CRACKED.COM

Nuking the Moon

In 1958, the Air Force hatched Project A119, A Study of Lunar Research Flights. The plan: Nuke the Moon. During the height of the Cold War, the U.S. wanted to show off its military might with a nuclear detonation on the moon that would be visible from Earth. After 8 project reports were commissioned, it was determined they could probably pull it off, but the project was scrapped. CRACKED.COM http://www.commondreams.org/headlines/051400-02.htm

America and The Nazis

CRACKED.COM The U.S. government used hundreds of Nazis as spies. After World War II, America didn't just employ German scientists - it came out in 2014 that at least 1,000 actual Nazis served as spies for the U.S. during the Cold War. For their (largely worthless) services, the government would often shield them from prosecution for their Nazi crimes.

Prescription Drugs


Stink Bombs

The U.S. Military has recently perfected the long-distance stinkbomb. By extensively researching what smells bad to different races. The idea behind a malodorant is to incapacitate the enemy with a nasty smell. The problem is, each culture has a different idea of what constitutes a bad smell. So each batch of stinkbombs has to be custom-formulated ahead of time. CRACKED.COM http://www. sunshine-project.de/infos/archiv/hintergrund/nr_08.pdf

College Loans

COLLEGE LOANS 21P STOP OUR the price of QUY DR UTURE Even keeping to where student loans are necessary, there's a big difference in how the U.S. and o

A Losing Battle

AMERICA FIGHTS NO ONE, STILL LOSES 1943 CRACKEDO COM When a Japanese force took control of the island of Kiska, Alaska, with 500 men, the U.S. decided to send in 35,000 to reclaim it. Despite all evidence that the Japanese had left the island abandoned for weeks, U.S. troops swooped in and managed to lose 122 men by friendly fire, mines, and just straight up vanishing into the forest.

U.S. Military

Between 1942 and 1964, the U.S. Military built an artificial island in the Pacific. Johnson Atoll, 860 mi southwest of Hawaii It was abandoned in 2004. We don't know how much it cost, but a comparable project in scope and scale would be the Japanese Kansai Airport. That was another artificial island built to support a landing strip, and it cost around $20 billion. CRACKED.COM www.urbanghostsmedia com/2010/04/isolated-and-abandoned-military-airbase-johnston-atoll/


EGGS The FDA mandates that eggs be washed, which removes their natural protective coating and makes them more susceptible to spoilage. Other countries

Income Inequality

INEQUALITY When it comes to income, the U.S. is one of the most unequal countries in the world. In 2014, for example, it ranked #1 (China has since ov


Unlike many other countries around the world, America doesn't officially embrace the tradition of napping. It's a cultural expectation in places like Italy, Spain, Greece, the Philippines, Nigeria & others, but viewed as slacking here. CRACKED.COM


ELECTIONS Text UNITED RIDIN to 30330 In the U.S., races often start more than a year before the actual vote. In most other countries, campaigns last O

The War on Drugs

Rather than adopting a zero-tolerance policy on drug use Portugal decriminalizesi it (and ends up winning the war on drugs). B B Drug users are offeRE

Garbage Disposals

CRACKED COM Only the U.S. has widely adopted in-sink garbage disposals. insiakereo food warste Because of how much water they use and the burden they

The Flag

Americans are extremely obsessed with their flag. The U.S. is pretty much the only country where flying a flag year-round is common. In France, the fl

Open 24 Hours

Stores open 24-7 are a thing in the U.S. and Asia, but not Europe. NALMERT SUPERCENTER Open Food 24 Center Hours Optical Tire Pharmacy & Lube Photo Fo

Cars in the U.S.

There are almost as many cars in the U.S. as there are people. The average for all 50 states is 910 cars per 1,000 citizens. The numbers for the Europ

The U.S. Military

THIS DORMANT BUILDING B2 The military built a $36 million military headquarters in Afghanistan. Not that bad a price for a military HQ. Except, the military there never actually wanted it, and it was never used.

College Coaches

In most states in the U.S., the highest-paid public employees are college football and basketball coaches. FOOTRALL COACH COLLECE PRESIDENT MED SCHOOL

Rehearsal Dinners

The rehearsal dinner is a huge part of any wedding, right? Sure, having one is a long-standing tradition (it's from the 19th century) - but only a tradition in the U.S. CRACKED.COM


The American Genocide CRACKED CON You've surely heard about how tribes in America were devastated by European settlers. But that's not the main reason

Original Cowboys

CRACKED.COM MYTH: Cowboys are uniquely American The original cowboys were Mexican cattlemen, known as vaqueros, who predate America cowboys. They taught future American cowboys how to do everything that's now considered classic cowboy, and eventually one in three cowboys were Mexican vaqueros.

Maternity Leave

The U.S. is 1 of only 4 countries in the world that does not require paid maternity leave. The U.S. ranks last among developed countries when it comes

Icy Drinks

ICY DRINKS Other countries chill drinks, and they throw in a couple ice cubes, but visitors to America are baffled by the tradition of filling a glass with ice and then trickling a tiny bit of liquid around it. Many think they're being cheated. They're somewhat mollified, though, when they learn about the American tradition of free refills. GRACKED.COM

Mitt Romney

Mitt Romney defines the new American dream: CRACKED.COM I believe in an America where millions of Americans believe in an America that's the America millions of Americans believe in. That's the America I love.


The American passenger and cargo airline 'Air America' was secretly operated by the CIA. AIR AMERICA AIR AMERICA WHOLE CRACKED.COM It supplied and sup- ported covert opera- tions in Southeast Asia during the Vietnam War, including provid- ing support for drug smuggling in Laos.

Portion Sizes

CRACKED.COM American portion sizes are abnormally huge. Food servings are 40% to 80% larger in American cities than in European ones. op When adopting 95 an a typical American diet or moving to America, people from other cultures gain significant amounts of weight.

You’re Not ‘American’

CRACKED YOU'RE FROM THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Travelers saying they're American implies that only the U.S. should be considered America. From North to South, there are 38 American countries.


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