40 Random Facts About Money That Are Actually Worth About 100 Facts in Countries With Weaker Factual Currencies

Facts that know their worth
40 Random Facts About Money That Are Actually Worth About 100 Facts in Countries With Weaker Factual Currencies

Like money itself, each fact is valued differently by each person. Some people know the true value of a fact while others let it come and go like the watery flow of currency. 

Wait! Current? Currency? They have the same latin root word! That's a fact that well value greatly. 

Anyways, whether you build little fact beaver dams in your head to stop and hoard the knowledge-rich flow or you take it and pass it hot potato-style, were just happy that youre here accepting our money fact charity. 

SS Treasure

CRACKED THE SS DEATH'S HEAD RING TREASURE There's a huge stash of money hidden in a cave near Wewelsburg Castle in Germany that was put there by the SS at the end of WWII. It's worth tens of millions of dollars.

Ponzi Schemes

In 2020, the amount of money in Ponzi schemes was at a 10-year high. TH S CARA S In DOLLARS - CICA RITAVAL S 350 S 811 CREAM TV S Year 1 I S BO INTERASED ET LID S - S un S CASH S TIP MILE viertee ML | : - University FL42546314 217 - 112 REES FREE 1 I SCADE ٤٦٦ e I - de 625463 - - 5 I E I 217 S CASH $ 1 BO 5 2475945237 S NBI CASH $ The boom happened because the stock market grew like crazy and because a ton


Italy has a Fort Knox for cheese. Credito Emiliano accepts wheels of Parmesan as collateral for loans while cheese makers wait for their sources of income to mature. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM


BANQUE DU ZAIRE VINGY MIELE ZAIRES 0 0 0 0 17-1991 Nyuhril When dictator Joseph Mobutu was overthrown, Zaire's government cut his face off the currency until they could design and print new notes. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM

Smart People

Are smarter people wealthier? There's no link between IQ and wealth. People who score within the super intelligent range are just as likely to have financial difficulties as other people. CRACKED COM


CRACKED DOMINO'S PAVING FOR PIZZA CAMPAIGN. (REAL PICTURE) - OH YES WE DID U.S. cities have spent hours of unpaid time helping the company advertise, in exchange for $5,000 grants to repair potholes (and pizza parties). The exposure gained by Domino's was worth much more than the money they spent on repairs.

The Nazis

The Nazis lost an entire room. The Nazis stole the entire contents of The Amber room, an entirely gold and amber room worth over 500 million dollars in today's currency, from the Catherine Palace of Tsarskoye Selo in Russia. It was hidden during the war and has yet to be found. CRACKED.COM

Finance Bros

FINANCE IS A MAN'S GAME, DEBUNKED 10006 doleodsolnresultsinachallersaeurket 006 0 0 0000 0A 00 1 1 Men are actually overconfident with their investmen


In 1923, hyperinflation caused German currency to lose almost all of its value. It became so worthless that people gave it to children to play with or used it as wallpaper. GRACKED.COM

The Secret Offering

GRACKED FINDING AN OFFER BURIED DEEP IN A EULA In 2005, PC Pitstop offered a financial reward in their End User License Agreement, but it took four months before anyone noticed it - showing that nobody bothers plowing through these agreements.

The Great Depression

Bits of random debris were used as currency during the Great Depression. THIS SCRIP IS REDEEMABLE BY THE TRUSTEES OF THE Tenino Chamber of Commerce, Inc. FROM THURSTON COUNTY WARRANTS AND THE ASSIGNED DIVIDENDS FROM THE LIQUIDATION OF THE CITIZENS BANK OF TENINO, WASH FOR THE AMOUNT OF 1 1 ONE DOLLAR IN UNITED STATES CURRENCY Redeemable during the Hwurchmann Month of December, 1933 N° 40 Third Series Issue-of January, 1933. Depression Scrip was made of things like shells, wood, and paper, which was used as local currency instead of US dollars due to banks be- ing closed.

Afghanistan’s Former Finance Minister

WEIRD WORLD Afghanistan's former finance minister is now an Uber driver in Washington DC. The 40-year-old once oversaw a US-supported $6bn budget. The Post reported that in one night earlier this week, he made a little over $150 for six hours' work, not counting his commute - a mediocre night. CRACKED.COM

Spanish Police

WEIRD WORLD In Spain, authorities raided a marijuana plantation but found something else. B EIHL9 It wasn't a marijuana plantation at all, actually - it was a big crypto mining farm, with 21 Bitcoin ASIC miners plus crypto mining hardware worth 13,000 Euros. CRACKED.COM

In God We Trust

TWENTY SHILL Counterfeit, s DESER Before it said In God We Trust, all US currency came with a handy reminder: TO COUNTERFEIT IS DEATH. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM


INSTEAD OF FAST FOOD, ONE MAN GOT SERVED THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS. A guy got thousands of dollars in cash from McDonald's instead of his order, but he went back to the McD's and gave it back. The staff ecstatically hugged him. CRACKED

The Paypal Scam

Crypto Scams B THE PAYPAL Pay SCAM In 2023, a 79-year-old was tricked out of $79,500 by a crypto scammer using PayPal. The scam relied on fear, guilt, and all sorts of other tactics to take advantage of the victim's lack of computer knowledge. CRACKED


CRACKED LITERALLY BURNING $2 MILLION At the peak of his success, Pablo Escobar, the leader of the Medellín drug cartel, is said to have burned through two million dollars to make sure his daughter stayed warm while his family was on the run in the early nineties.

The Big Maple Leaf

The largest piece of legal tender in the world is 220 pounds. MILLION DOLLA, ILLION DE DOLLA Canada's Big Maple Leaf is a $1 million coin made of about $2 million worth of nearly-pure gold, that somehow reached a market value of $4 million. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM

North Korea

North Korea's military used Bitcoin to steal over half a billion dollars. They stole it from online trading platforms in 2017 and 2018, and used blockchain technology (the basis of Bitcoin) to be able to do it undetected. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM

Inmate Billing

In 43 states, jails and prisons can bill inmates for their stay. The fees can be tens of thousands of dollars, are imposed at the sole discretion of a judge, and are often aggressively collected regardless of ability to pay. CRACKED.COM

Australian Money

In Australia, half of a banknote is worth half its face value. - Pholp Come 10 Pete - - ana than or - The - USTRALIA TEN DOLLARS So you could cut, say, an AUD 100 bill in half, and each half would be worth AUD 50. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM


Matt Damon's crypto firm sent someone $10.5 million instead of $100, and they can't get it back. GRAGKED.COM Crypto.com didn't discover that millions of dollars had gone to an Australian woman until seven months later, at which point the money was either spent or transferred.

The Treasury Department

The US Treasury Department provides blind US citizens a free machine to read currency. The iBill is compact enough to slip into a side pocket. It can identify all US currency. They have also developed free apps to read currency with a smartphone. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW


In Turkey, you can no longer use cryptocurrencies to buy anything at all. Due to rising inflation, people started using crypto for everyday transactions more and more, but the government put a stop to that on April 30, 2021. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM

Beefy Bills

Lots of modern money is not vegan. 24 countries' currency uses a polymer derived from tallow (beef fat). NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM

iEarn Bot

Crypto Scams PURE THE IEARN SCAM At the end of 2020, iEarn Bot stopped people in Romania from taking out their money and asked them to switch it into a new type of currency called iBot, worth the same amount. But users are still waiting to get their hands on actual currency. CRACKED

Dirty Money

CRACKED ONE TES SERVE SYSTEM WE SPREAD DISEASE BY USING DIRTY MONEY. Despite research showing that cash is covered in microbes, we continue to use it without washing our hands first. Bills are exchanged constantly, and can hold pathogens like E. coli, Salmonella, and Staphylococcus aureus.

The Dow Jones

CRACKED In 2010, the Dow Jones Index took a nosedive of almost 9%. This became known as the flash crash and was caused by a US mutual fund selling contracts. CLEON 880 288 HFTs started buying and reselling these contracts, some for irrational prices like $100,000. In just 20 minutes, 2 billion shares worth 56 billion dollars had changed hands.


Harvard's endowment is currently 32.7 billion dollars. If Harvard used part of that endowment to pay full tuition, room, and board for all 6,700 undergrads, its endowment would be left with a mere... HAVAH 32.3 billion dollars. CRACKED.COM


Inflation in Zimbabwe reached 76.9 billion percent in 2008. 100000 000 000 000 RESERVE BANK OF ZIMBABWE 1000000000 000000 I promise to pay FEBLE the bearer on demand ONE HUNDRED TRILLION DOLLARS for the Reserve Bank of Zimbabure GRACKED.COM Dr G. Gone One year later, Zimba- bwe abandoned its currency. The ex- change rate at the time was $35 quadril- lion Zimbabwean dol- lars to $1 US dollar.

Olympic Pole Vaulter Sergey Bubka

A Ukrainian pole vaulter kept breaking his own world record to cash in. CRACKED.COM Ukrainian pole Vaulter Sergey Bubka repeatedly and deliberately broke the world pole vault record by the smallest possible height between 1991-1993 so he could cash in on a Nike bonus with each new world record.

Alexander Hamilton

HAMILTON'S BUDDY FORCED HIM TO MAKE FINANCE LAWS CRACKED 28635 Alexander Hamilton's friend and Treasury department colleague William Duer stole thousands of dollars with insider trading, before there were many laws preventing it.

Expensive Items

High-net-worth individuals pay a lot for their slow deaths. TREASANTE must The high-end cigarette brand TREASURER LONDON costs a whopping $59 a pack, plus the trip to Europe you 'll need to get your hands on this expensive addiction CRACKED.COM

Almond Delight

Cash Almond Wheat Rice Flakes Crispy & Delight brand CEREAL CRACKED COM The grandmother of all cereal box prizes! In 1986, every box of Almond Delight cereal had cash from around the world, and every 43rd box had U.S currency. Most prizes were worth less than a penny, but some were worth up to $500.

Canadian Tire Money

Canadians trade coupons from a tire company. Lienter CANADIAN TIA CANADARIAS 10c LS CANADIAN TIRE LA SOCIETE CANADIAN TRE LIMITEE I CASH BONUS out B BONI CANADIAN TIRE CARADUAN TIRE CONPORATI ion, LIMITED Canada Tire is so ubiquitous that lots of bars and small businesses an accept their official Canadian Tire Money. Someone was even caught counterfeiting $11 million worth. CRACKED.COM NOW YOU KNOW



Financial Literacy

GRAGKED.COM AROUND 2/3 OF AMERICAN ADULTS DUNCE CANNOT PASS A BASIC FINANCIAL LITERACY TEST. This shouldn't be shocking when you learn only 17 STATES require a personal finance class to GRADUATE HIGH SCHOOL.

The Holy Grail

BEHIND-THE-SCENESFACTS ROCK MUSIC HELPED FINANCE THE MOVIE THE HOLY GRAIL The movie managed to get made thanks to the financial backing of rock bands like Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin, and several record labels. Pink Floyd bandmates used the proceeds from their hit album Dark Side of the Moon

The Aztecs

Cacao Beans The Aztecs loved chocolate sO much they used cocoa beans as curreNCY.

The Warren Buffett Scam

Crypto Scams THE WARREN BUFFETT SCAM In 2022, a fake Facebook page called Tina's Finance posted a photo of billionaire Warren Buffett holding a big bitcoin logo that looked like a medallion. It was a trick to get people to join a crypto scam network. CRACKED


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