40 Hidden Truths and Closely Guarded Secrets That, If Anyone Asks, You Didn’t Hear From Us

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40 Hidden Truths and Closely Guarded Secrets That, If Anyone Asks, You Didn’t Hear From Us

You lucky little devil. We bet you didnt even know that by clicking on this list youd be privy to some pretty sensitive information. Information that someone, somewhere doesnt want you to know. You dont even have to worry about burning it after reading. Its on us to delete this, so get these facts up in that brain of yours before theyre gone forever. 

Unless you have a printer. Then please, burn after reading!!!

Nazi Relics

A 2017 Argentine police raid on an art collector's home found a secret room with Nazi relics. - F The room had toys, statues, medical devices and more, all probably owned by top Nazi party members. CRACKED.COM

The Secret Service

The Secret Service can tell the brand and where in the country ink is from. The Secret Service works with ink manufacturers and use ink tags to identify threatening handwritten letters. CRACKED.COM

Jackie Chan

CRACKED.COM Jackie Chan His Hong Kong home has secret rooms. When your movies have grossed around US$5 billion worldwide, you can afford some luxuries, like maze- like secret rooms within secret rooms. This was a childhood dream inspired by the Batcave.

Mass Sacrifice

CRACKED 12E EVEN MORE REVOLTING EVIDENCE OF MASS SACRIFICE. Researchers uncovered a tower made of 650 human skulls in Mexico City, which suggests that human sacrifice was more widespread in the Aztec Empire than previously thought - even involving women and children.

Data Fabrication

FAKE PSYCHOLOGY Marc Hauser, a former Harvard professor of psychology, was accused of cheating in research funded by the government. This included making up data, changing the results, and lying about how he did the research. CRACKED

California Air Quality

Schools in the Imperial Valley in California use color coded flags based on the air quality. CRACKED.COM The air quality around the Salton Sea is so bad that schools use green, yellow, and red flags for children who have asthma. Green means they join their friends on the playground, whereas red means they stay inside all day.

Hal Turner

Hal Turner is an ultra right-wing radio personality. M And he was also a government spy. Turner is an outspoken white supremacist and Holocaust denier

Jordache Jeans

A Jordache Jeans blimp crashed in the same place as the Hindenburg disaster. CRACKED.COM The 170-foot long blimp, on its way to a gala chris- tening party in Manhattan, hit some trees and was grounded shortly after takeoff in Lakehurst, NJ. This time, there were no casualties.


The Finnish military had a swastika on their logo until 2020. CRACKED.COM Finland's air force has been using a swastika ever since it was founded in 1918, but outside pressure made them change it... to a golden eagle with its wings proudly outstretched. Oh no.

HP Secrets

HP LAPTOPS SECRETLY RECORDED KEYSTROKES. CRACKED Hundreds of HP laptop models had a secret keylogger installed on them, which meant that anyone who used the computer could have their keystrokes recorded.

Ancient Urns

Ukrainian soldiers uncovered 4th century urns while they were digging defense trenches. CRACKED.COM Soldiers with the Ukrainian 126th Territorial Defense found the tall, bot- tle-necked jars along with some ceramic shards. The amphorae have been dated to the fourth or fifth centu- ries C.E.

Norman Rockwell

A Norman Rockwell painting was discovered in a secret compartment inside the walls of a cartoonist's house. CRACKED.COM Don Trachte had forged several paintings he owned to stop his ex-wife from getting them in a divorce settlement and had hidden the originals. It'd been hidden there for 35 years.

Unknown Human Remains

A family in Modesto, California was trying to bury their pet in their backyard when they accidentally uncovered the remains of a human. The identity o

Nazi Documents

During a renovation, a Hungarian couple accidentally uncovered 6300 Nazi documents behind a wall in their apartment. usbia Adatszolgaltatasi M E. read

King Tut

King Tutankhamun was buried with a 90-degree erection. Egyptologists think it was to make him look like Osiris, as a big F-you to the religious movement his dad started. In any case, the first archeologists who found the tomb accidentally broke off the dong in 1922. It was found only in 2005, lying in the sand nearby. CRACKED.COM

Caravaggio’s Secret

CRACKED In his 1595 portrait of Bacchus, the god of wine, Caravaggio snuck in a minute self-portrait as a reflection in a carafe of wine. It took centuries for the miniature cameo to be spotted.

The Paris Catacombs

A secret, functional restaurant was uncovered in the Paris Catacombs. The restaurant had tables and chairs, a fully-stocked bar, with electricity and three phone lines. When police ar- rived three days later to trace the power lines, they saw they had been cut, and a note was left saying, Do not try and find us. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW

Homeland Security

Dr. Laura Callahan worked for Homeland Security. DEYANIM MENT MLAN CRIT Despite the fact that she faked her credentials. Callahan held one of the most

Benjamin Franklin

Renovation of Benjamin Franklin's house in London has led to the discovery of human and animal skeletons in the basement. bank - adidas - - - - ساد - Franklin let his friend, William Hewson, use the home as a secret anatomy school, when the only way to obtain bodies for research was to buy them from merchants who illicitly dug up corpses from recent burials. GRAGKED.COM

Satan’s Portrait

CRACKED Giotto's 13th century frescoes in the Basilica of St. Francis in Assisi had a hidden secret for centuries - nobody could get up high enough to spot a side-on portrait of Satan hidden in the clouds.

Nellie Bly

11 novels written by pioneering journalist Nellie Bly were just recently discovered. She wrote them in serialized form for a weekly newspaper, and they were thought to be lost - - but a writer discovered copies in archives in 2020. CRACKED.COM

A Unique Cave System

Sewer workers accidentally discovered a cave that had been cut off from the outside. CRACKED.COM In 1986, Romanian sewer workers accidentally discovered a cave which had been sealed for 5.5 million years. Movile Cave is filled with exotic and evolutionarily distinct creatures, including albino crabs.

Dragon Man

The newly discovered 'Dragon Man' may be closer related to us than Neanderthals GRACKED.COM The newly discovered human species Homo longi may lead to a new, better understanding of human evolution.

Dinosaur Names

Two new dinosaur species might have been discovered CRACKED COM Watch out, Jurassic Park scientists, more dinos are coming. Researchers believe they have discovered bones from new giant predatory species closely related to the Spinosaurus.


There's 9,200 tree species yet to be discovered A new study estimates there are 73,000 tree species on Earth, but there are still many potentional rare, undiscovered species that are threatened by climate change and deforestation. CRACKED.COM


CRACKED.COM WE KEEP FINDING HORRIBLE SPIDERS, You might think every eight-legged monstrosity is already known and safely far away. You'd be dead (and) wrong. Hellish spiders are discovered constantly- some of them in your backyard. In the last few years, 14 new species of tarantula were discovered in the American Southwest.


The first true millipede has been discovered Scientists have discovered the first millipede that actually has more than a thousand legs. The 3.7 inch invertebrate with 1,306 legs has more legs than any other known creature on Earth. CRACKED.COM

The San Francisco Bay

The San Francisco Bay wasn't discovered for over 200 years after Europeans first discovered California. Expeditions were so fearful of the Farallon Islands that they sailed west to avoid them, thus missing the small Golden Gate inlet. The Bay was later discov- ered by land. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW

Beer Artifact

The world's oldest surviving beer was discovered in 2010. АЦИЛОВА The bottles went down on a ship in the Baltic Sea almost 200 years ago. After it was discovered, scientists drank it to decipher and recreate the recipe. CRACKED.COM


A cannabis shroud was discovered in a 2,400-year-old tomb. CRACKED.COM Discovered in 2016, this was the first incidence of a cannabis burial shroud. The tomb also contained 13 complete cannabis plants, suggesting that it was locally grown along the Silk Road.

Cat Mummies

Hundreds of thousands of cat mummies were made into fertilizer. In 1888, an Egyptian farmer unearthed an ancient grave containing hundreds of thousands of cats. They were sold at auction, and Liverpool bidders ground the cats up and sprinkled them on crops as fertilizer. CRACKED.COM

Volcanic Winter

2 million people in Russia were killed in a volcanic winter in 1600. CRACKED.COM An eruption in Peru from Huaynaputina created a worldwide volcanic win- ter, causing Russia's worst famine, killing 30% of the population be- tween 1601 and 1603.

Einstein’s Brain

The doctor performing Einstein's autopsy stole his brain. CRACKED.COM Albert Einstein wanted to be cremated and his ashes scattered to discourage idolaters, but the doctor performing the autopsy put the brain in formaldehyde and kept it for himself.

Ancient Egypt

CONSTRUCTION WORKERS DIGGING A SEWER FOUND AN ANCIENT TEMPLE. CRAUA The workers were drilling a sewage drain in an Egyptian city when they unearthed a

Stolen Rembrandt

Rembrandt's Portrait of Jacob de Gheyn III has been stolen 4 times The 9x12 inch painting has been nicknamed the takeaway Rembrandt as its small size has led to its numerous thefts. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM

Unearthed Artifacts

CRACKED THE OLDEST KNOWN DOOR IN EUROPE WAS UNEARTHED IN SWITZERLAND. Tree rings suggest the door was made in 3063 BCE - around the time of Stonehenge.

A Lost Iraqi City

A drought in Iraq unearthed a lost city. CRACKED.COM The ruins of a 3,400-year-old lost city, complete with a palace and a sprawling fort, have been unearthed in Iraq after ex- treme drought severely de- pleted water levels in the country's largest reservoir.

Uncovered Burial Ground

CRACKED CON In 1982, two children playing on a swing in a field in Norton, England looked down and saw that they had accidentally unearthed a skeleton

The Statue of Liberty

The Statue of Liberty's torch got closed because of a 1916 terrorist act. NEW YORK The aftermath of the explosion In that year, German spies caused a massive explosion nearby, which damaged the torch so badly it's been closed to the public ever since. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM

Ancient Egypt

There were a bunch of minor, petty kingdoms throughout Ancient Egypt. They all had varying degress of independence, and some of them later provided rulers that ruled over all of Egypt. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM


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