22 Commercials That Made People Want to Wipe the Product From Existence

Picture it: You’re just minding your own business in your dramatically lit, black and white, dangerously unstable world, and suddenly you see an incredibly annoying commercial. It’s loud, repetitive, its script is offensive to God, and it has a jingle that you have no choice but to sing under your breath for the next three days. But dammit if the next time you need an item in that category, you don’t reach for that product.
Advertising is the devil, but it also works.
Except when it doesn’t. Sometimes, a commercial is so bad that, no matter how good the product is, viewers will deliberately choose not to buy it, if not outright boycott it until the company’s C-suites learn the value of not pissing people off. That’s why, when user sasquatch_99 asked r/AskReddit, “What commercial is so bad, it has the opposite (effect) on you and you'd never buy their product?” people had lots of promotional grievances to air.