38 Schweddy Bits of ‘Saturday Night Live’ Trivia

‘SNL’ facts as tasty as those balls
38 Schweddy Bits of ‘Saturday Night Live’ Trivia

These SNL facts just nailed their auditions, and youll be seeing them on this upcoming list. The more charismatic, camera-friendly ones will be in the pictures, and we hope the more gangly “back-of-house” looking ones are cool with being writers. That might be taken as a slight on the show itself, but in a list of facts, the writing is the star.

The Jungle Book

2016's The Jungle Book took something from Saturday Night Live into the jungle. While Louie (played by Christopher Walken) sleeps, Mowgli goes through

The Saturday Night Live Movie

COMEDY NERD CRACKED.COM THE SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE MOVIE ALMOST ENDED UP HAPPENING. VINOLA SM ARE Apparently, it was supposed to be a feature-length collection of movie-related sketches, and the idea was floated in 1990. There was even a full-length script, but the movie never got off the ground.


The Original Not Ready for Prime Time Players

CRACKED SEVEN AMATEURS AND A CANADIAN PRODUCER CREATED A COMEDY EMPIRE. The first season of Saturday Night Live was made up of seven inexperienced improvisers and a nervous Canadian producer, Lorne Michaels. Even though the show had a rough start, the cast eventually made SNL a cultural phenomenon.


Kristen Wiig

GILLY KRISTEN WIIG CRACKED.COM One inspiration for Wiig's Gilly was a childhood perm she got for a wedding, accidentally tinted red by a bottle of Sun-In. Another was a weird, pulled-back smile that Wiig and SNL co-writers believed warranted its own character.


The 40th Anniversary After-Party

Saturday Night Live's 40th Anniversary after-party had a bunch of big names live jamming on stage. Highlights of the night: - Paul McCartney performin

Kate McKinnon

COMEDY 661 NERD CRACKED.COM Kate McKinnon The SNL star known for characters like a mistreated alien abductee won the Emmy for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series in 2016 for her work on SNL. She was actually the first to win this award for work on SNL itself.

Dana Carvey

COMEDY of NERD CRACKED.COM Dana Carvey Carvey is considered one of the all time SNL greats, for good reason. He won the Emmy for Outstanding Individual Performance In A Variety or Music Program in 1993 for SNL. This category would later BE retired, making SNL cast wins more difficult.


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