40 Deceptive Little Myths and Misconceptions That Tried to Make Fools of Us All

These lies posing as truths almost got us!
40 Deceptive Little Myths and Misconceptions That Tried to Make Fools of Us All

They dont call us the fact filters for nothin

Who calls us that? Everyone! Jim, Larry, our moms, little Ron down at the bakery. Everyone whos read one of our many myth-busting lists and thanked us profusely for replacing the myths in their heads with cold, hard facts.

Trust us, youll be sending us an engraved “Fact Filter” sign for our office door after this list does a little myth-to-fact switcheroo in your brain.

Erin Brockovich

THE OSCAR WINNER In Erin Brockovich, everyone is delighted at the end of the trial. REALITY THE But the actual plaintiffs were far from satisfied. Rea


40 Deceptive Little Myths and Misconceptions That Tried to Make Fools of Us All
Source: CNN

Inverted Crosses

You might think an inverted cross iS satanic. But it's the symbol of the first Pope. When St. Peter was martyred by crucifixion, he was said to have r


When you see a pentagram, you might think of evil. But it's a symbol of protection. Although the five-pointed star in a circle has long been associate


When your dog pees on the floor, you might think he's excited to see you. He might just be telling you that you're the boss. If your dog cowers and pe


You might think that women are pickier than men. (But that's only because guys are traditionally the ones who make the first move.) In an experiment w


When a cat pees on your stuff, you might think he hates you. But the truth is, he's into you. An insecure cat wants to establish a bond with you, SO h


You might think you can tell which way a comet is headed, by its tail. You'd be wrong. A comet actually has two tails, and they both point away from t


You might think immigrants are lucky to be here ONGA But living here might be ruining their minds. Scientists at Johns Hopkins University found that i

Fortune Cookies

FORTUNE COOKIES WERE INVENTED IN CALIFORNIA. it's not clear if they were created by a Chinese immigrant in Los Angeles or a Japanese immigrant in San


Poor people are mostly drunks and/ or drug addicts. Not true. A 2012 study has revealed that while young adults in poor families were more likely to


Don't try and avoid being served divorce papers. It's not true that the divorce can't proceed unless you accept the papers. If the court can't serve y


Not classically handsome? You might think you're out of luck. But... There isn't one type women find attractive. While it's true that there's a narrow

Lawrence of Arabia

40 Deceptive Little Myths and Misconceptions That Tried to Make Fools of Us All
Source: TheWorld

The Danish Girl

40 Deceptive Little Myths and Misconceptions That Tried to Make Fools of Us All
Source: Variety

Mental Health

If a character is mentally ill, they're usually violent. That's the opposite of how it really is. Movies like Se7en, Silence Of The Lambs, and Fight C

The Sides of the Brain

MYTH: A PeRSon IS eITHeR LeFT- OR RIGHT-BRAINED. FACT: YOUR BRAIN ISN'T DIVIDED UP THAT WAY. The myth that right-brained people are creative and artistic and left-brained people are logical and mathematical is so pervasive that teachers are instructed to balance the brained-ness of their teachings. The brain does indeed have some specialized structures, but the idea that they cluster on opposite sides of the brain like rival gangs is ridiculous. CRACKED.COM http://www.livescience.com/655-lefty-myths-mysteries-persist.html


Testosterone and the Flu

Manliness won't help you fight the flu. Quite the opposite. Testosterone suppresses the immune system, which is why it takes men longer to recover fro


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