21 Products That Couldn’t Possibly Be Improved Upon

Due to, you know, the nature of time, we live in the most advanced civilization that’s ever existed. We have the entire world’s knowledge in our pockets, the ability to summon just about any item or intangible experience to our homes with the touch of a button and ice cream frozen into little dry pellets that melt in your mouth. It’s enough to put a time traveler from even 100 years ago in a coma.
And yet, there are products invented 100 or even 1,000 years ago that simply cannot get better. No matter how many bells and whistles you add or neat flame designs you paint on, the core concept has never been modified because it’s not possible to improve it.
We learned that dozens of times over when user throwRArealquic asked r/AskReddit, “What invention has peaked/been perfected to the point where it cannot advance any further?”