20 of the Evilest People Who Are Still Alive
Anders Behring Breivik is terrifying

Good news: Most of the most evil people who have ever lived aren’t doing it anymore. Think about it — who’s the most evil guy you can name? Hitler? Stalin? Mickey Mouse? Dead. Dead. Technically never alive. There’s just a lot more past than there is present, and it was a lot easier for most of it to get away with being an evil piece of shit.
A shocking number of some of history’s baddest guys are still alive, though. We’re talking serial killers who lucked out of the death penalty, dictators who enjoyed diplomatic immunity and plain old-fashioned billionaires begging for a Christmas Carol-ing. Redditors detailed their crimes after user neilnelly asked r/AskReddit, “Who is the most evil person who is still alive?”