20 Locations Too Scary to Explore

Remember that one stretch of woods in your hometown all the other kids were scared to go in because someone said they once saw a dead body in there? Well, places like that exist all over the world, but whereas your forest probably only contained fairly un-weird insects and only slightly weird porn, they have good reasons for staying out. Others just have deep seated myths. In some cases, nobody even remembers why we don’t go there. What matters is that we don't go there.
“My favorite story is Mt. Kailash in China,” u/horsecave told r/AskReddit. “Conspiracy theories say that it's actually a man-made pyramid from an ancient advanced race. It's only compelling because going to the top is prohibited by the Chinese government.” Also, “The lost city of Paititi is said to be in a rectangular shaped area found on Google Earth at the summit of a mountain near Cusco, but the natives are afraid to go there.” They asked, “What are some places on Earth that are still unexplored because locals fear them? And what are they afraid of?”