40 Bizarre News Headlines That Belong in the ‘Idiocracy’ Universe, Not Our Own

North Carolina cops gave a deer a ‘stern warning’ when it broke into a courthouse
40 Bizarre News Headlines That Belong in the ‘Idiocracy’ Universe, Not Our Own


WEIRD WORLD In Illinois, they put a convicted arsonist in charge of a fire department. PLATFORM 1 WORSBURG There were high emotions and high drama at the meeting where that guy was made acting chief, apparently. CRACKED.COM



WEIRD WORLD A guy in South Korea found $130,000 cash in a used fridge he bought online. (illustration) The money was taped to the bottom of the kimchi fridge, and he found it when he started cleaning the fridge not long after getting it. CRACKED.COM

Source: UPI

Defecting to, Not From, North Korea

WEIRD WORLD A South Korean actually defected to North Korea. That's extremely rare, of course, and the South Korean military carried out a search - but they weren't successful. CRACKED.COM


The Tinder Swindler

WEIRD WORLD The Tinder Swindler is now setting his sights higher- on a government job. Apparently, he'd like to be the foreign minister of Israel, he said. CRACKED.COM


The World’s Largest Potato

WEIRD WORLD The world's largest potato, an utter monstrosity, was dug up in New Zealand. The potato holding the Guinness World Record weighs 5 kg, but this one weighs 7.9 kg (or 17.4 pounds), so it'll probably take the #1 spot. CRACKED.COM


Pelican Escape

WEIRD WORLD A pelican escaped from an Irish ZOO and went 100 miles away - for the 0 2nd time. The great white pelican got spotted in Wexford - the exact place he went to when he escaped the Fota Wildlife Park in Cork in 2018. CRACKED.COM

Source: UPI

Mine-Sniffing Rat

WEIRD WORLD A mine-sniffing rat won a medal that's one of the highest animal honors in Britain. Magawa sniffed out 71 unexploded land mines in Cambodia, so he was the first rat that got the charity PDSA's gold medal in PDSA's 77 years. CRACKED.COM

Source: NPR

West Virginia

WEIRD WORLD West Virginia is giving away guns in exchange for getting a COVID vaccine shot. The guns are prizes in a lottery, and other prizes include lifetime hunting and fishing licenses, custom-outfitted trucks, and getaways to state parks. CRACKED.COM

Source: CBS


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