36 Stats, Numbers and Pieces of Data That Will Make You Want to Punch a Calculator in the Face

Before you start screaming that these numbers are filthy liars, please trust that we triple-checked each stat after we had that same initial reaction.
Well, admittedly, we didn’t personally check anything. Much smarter fact-checkers than us spent the day trying to disprove these wildly suspicious figures, and they couldn’t find a single digit out of place.
If you’re not convinced, feel free to feverishly scrawl on a chalkboard like Matt Damon in Good Will Hunting, but we’re just trying to save you some time. Believe the unbelievable, as they say.
Being Smelly

Source: Science Direct

50 Cent

Dirty Money


Impulse Purchasing

Mustard Gas

Source: Department of Defense

100 Bird Gangs





Calculator Prototypes

Winnie Cooper

Lysol-Related Deaths

Jay-Z and The Number 4

Statue Sizes

Saffron Prices



More: 20 Completely Impossible Coincidences (That Really Happened)
Coin Toss Odds


Source: 20 Statistics About Probability That Will Blow Your Mind
Odds of Winning the Lottery

Low Social Interaction

Source: ScienceDaily
STEM Degrees

Source: JSTOR
Blue Lobsters

Cheating Odds

The Odds of Dating a Supermodel

Source: 20 Statistics About Probability That Will Blow Your Mind

Larry Walker

Student Loans

People’s Favorite Numbers

Prime Numbers

Source: 23 Insane (But True) Statistics
College Costs

Graduation Rates