35 Myths and Mistruths That Somehow Slipped Past the Fact-Checkers

Not our fact-checkers! Nothing slips by those diligent little nerds
35 Myths and Mistruths That Somehow Slipped Past the Fact-Checkers

Well, they dont call us the internets catchall for nothin'! 

Okay, so no one calls us that, but we thought that if we got that nickname ball rolling, you guys would take it and run with it. Theres really no better way to describe us, though. Our fact-finders catch every interesting little tidbit out there, and our fact-checkers catch every myth-in-fact’s-clothing before it slips through. 

Luckily, the fact-finders dont take it personally. Theres a strict “truth over all” policy around here.


THE OSCAR WINNER In Best Picture Argo, the Americans save the day. THANK YOU CANADA REALITY THE In reality, it was Canada that pulled off the rescue.


You might think tears would make a guy feel loving and protective. But... They're actually a huge romance-killer. It turns out that female tears produ


Tobacco companies added filters to make cigarettes healthier. But filters actually make cigarettes way more cancerous. The original filters from the '


When looking at stun guns, higher voltage isn't necessarily better. X26 Manufacturers like to advertise millions of volts, but it's actually the amper


Cleopatra is known for being the last pharaoh of Egypt, but she was not actually Egyptian. She was Macedonian. CRACKEDCOMT

Carrie Fisher

MYTH: Carrie Fisher was a script doctor on The Empire Strikes Back Carrie Fisher was a great script doctor, but she didn't actually rewrite the script for The Empire Strikes Back. The changes were actually made by the movie's director, Irvin Kershner. CRACKED


You might feel unattractive if you've got a visible scar. But... Scars make you more attractive to women. At least one study found that women actually


MYTH Siberia is a frozen wasteland. REALITY Parts of Siberia have beautiful summers. Novosibirsk reached 87.80F (31C) last June. CRACKED COM

Nail Growth After Death

Nails Grow After Death CRACKED.COM A common myth says nails (and hair) keep growing after death. Retracting skin may make nails and hair appear longer, but they cannot continue to grow without glucose. Ancient cultures may have come up with this myth to explain why corpses look so fabulous.


The Color of Blood

MYTH: THE BLOOD LEAVING YOUR HEART IS BLUE. FAGT8 IT'S ACTUALLY DARKER RED. The myth that deoxygenated blood is blue comes from the fact that through


NEANDERTHALS ACTUALLY HAD GREAT POSTURE. Neanderthals stood upright. The myth of the hunched knuckle- draggers came from one Neanderthal skeleton that
Source: NHM


MYTH: ALWAYS COOK PORK UnTL I'S SWELL-DONE. FACT8 PORK IS MUCH SAFER THAN you THINK. The myth that undercooked pork is swimming with worms is left ove

The Stomach Flu

MYTH: CAN'T STOP BARFING? MUST Be THE FLU. FAGT8 THERE'S no SUCh THING AS STOMACH FLU. People who can't stop throwing up are likely experiencing gastr

The English Language

MYTH: Americans should speak English. It's our official language, right? bridges adj n English Irel language FACT: nritain, ca Nope, and it's nowhere

Ice Water

MYTH: HEARD THAT DRINKING ice WATER AFTER A MeAL IS DAnGeRoUS? FAGT8 IT ABSOLUTELY ISN'T. The story goes like this: If you drink cold water after a me

Searing Meat

MYTH: TO KEEP YOUR MeAT MOIST, you need TO SEAR it. FAGT8 Searing DOESN'T LOCK in JUIceS Searing meat doesn't do a thing to keep juices inside. When


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