38 Celebrity Secrets and Behind-the-Scenes Goofs Too Strong for Any NDA
More like ‘Follywood,’ amirite?

These bungles weren’t getting by anyone, especially since they were committed by the rich and famous. Which is why we chose to remain complete unknowns. Yep, we were actually hand-picked for some pretty massive movie roles in our day, but we wisely declined. We know how ridiculous we can be at times and didn’t want our many, many flaws ending up in the tabloids.
Here are some of the not-so-smart celebrities with blunders heard ‘round the world…
Reese Witherspoon

Source: Vulture
Casey Kasem

Source: 5 Meltdowns That Went Viral Before The Internet Existed
Tyler the Creator

Source: Vulture
Kim Kardashian

Source: EOnline
Vanilla Ice

Orlando Bloom

Source: The Hollywood Reporter
David Beckham

Sean Penn

Craig T. Nelson

Mitt Romney


Fifth Harmony


Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Elmo


Jackie Chan

Shah Rukh Khan

Roger Moore

Kanye West

Slyvester Stallone

Kevin O’Leary

Source: 17 Geniuses Who Are Surprisingly Stupid (In One, Glaring Way)
Mandy Moore

Billy Crystal

Bow Wow

Jeremy London


Eddie Redmayne

Terrence Howard

Chris Hansen

Paris Hilton

Alicia Keys

Nicolas Cage

Katie Redford

Ben Affleck

Brian Dennehy

Stephen Rannazzisi

Meghan Markle

Joshua Adam Garcia