40 Random Bits of Pop-Culture Trivia a Clown Pulled Out of Our Ear
He must have planted them at some point. We would have known if they were in there!

Sir Patrick Stewart was a real naughty boy on the set of The Next Generation.
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Quentin Tarantino

Heather Langenkamp

Source: Wikipedia

Patrick Stewart

Good Burger

Fast & Furious 6

Boy Meets World

Source: Parade
Robert Englund

Source: 16 Facts About The Making Of Your Favorite Horror Movies
Robert De Niro

Hugh Jackman

Source: FilmSchoolRejects
Ryan Gosling

Source: Vice
Photo Credit: Dustin Drew/Flickr
Jimi Hendrix

Michael Richards

Jussie Smollett

The Absolute Worst Kind of Easter Egg

Kevin Spacey

Source: YouTube
Nick Diaz

Source: TheMacLife
Mickey Rourke

Source: Esquire
Patrick Dempsey

Jeremy Renner


Edward Norton

Ms. Marvel

Catwoman and Black Cat

Marvel, DC
Time Stone

More: Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Image Credit: Marvel Studios
Wesley Snipes

Source: Giant Freakin Robot
Marvel’s Bankruptcy

Howard the Duck

Malcolm Spellman

Marvel Superheroes vs Street Fighter

Infinity War

Fans Fighting for Their Favorite Shows

Mae Whitman

Ann Veal

Arrested Development on Netflix

Carl Weathers

Tobias Funke

Michael Cera

Source: Mental Floss
David Cross
